Chapter 2

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I walked home from the Grill, thinking about everything that just happened. Like who is this Klaus and how did he know me? That whole conversation was weird. I tried not to think too much into it. As I got home, I decided to change into my pajamas and stay home for the rest of the day. I was watching The Bachelor  when I heard the door bell ring. It was my best friends Bonnie and Elena.

"Hey," Bonnie said. "We heard about Matt."

I nodded and invited them in.

"We brought Chinese" Elena said.

"Thanks" I said quietly.

As we started to eat, Elena said "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, but can we not talk about Matt, please."

"Yeah, of course." They both agreed.

I decided not to tell them about Klaus. And I changed the topic completely.

"So are you guys going to the decade dance next week?"

They nodded.

"I was thinking we could go together"

"Sorry Caroline, I already told Stefan that I would go with him." Elena said.

"And I was going with Jeremy" Bonnie said.

"Oh," I said disappointed.

"We can all go as a group though" Bonnie said.

"Yeah, okay." I said thinking that I would be the only one without a date.


                              Klaus 's POV

The pencil in my hand was scribbling nonsensical lines. A face, I think. I didn't know I had been drawing her but when I looked down at the page, that's exactly who I saw. Caroline.

"You going to the dance tonight?" My brother Kol said leaning against the door frame.

"Why would I want to go to some bloody school dance?" I said continuing to draw.

Kol shrugs and walks toward me.

"Who's the pretty girl you're sketching?" Kol said, peering over my shoulder.

"None of your concern," I said annoyed.

"Oh, I've seen her around. I think she'll be at the dance tonight."

As that caught my attention I stopped drawing and looked up at him.

"Oh so I got your attention now?" Kol said, grinning.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room.

"Now where are you off to?"

"I have a dance to get ready for." I said with a smirk.

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