Chapter 4

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It's been a couple of weeks since the dance. I've been trying to distract myself with everything school related, like SBO meetings, cheerleading, and even debate which I'm surprisingly good at. It's the beginning of senior year and no matter what's happening in my life I really want this year to be the best. I haven't seen Klaus at all, who know's what he's been doing. I can't seem to get him off of my mind, I still can't believe he's done all of those terrible things because he showed me a side of him that was a lot different than what everyone has been telling me. That was the most frustrating part, I didn't know who to believe, what side of him was the true him.

Klaus's POV

I was driving in my 1920 GTO, ready to clean up my brother's no doubt enormous mess, as usual. I checked the glove box, and saw the dagger in there, gleaming from the setting sun. I was heading to the bar right outside of Mystic Falls where Kol was having one of his infamous drinking parties, which for me, only meant trouble. He had been like this for years, all but flaunting his vampire-ism even with the threat of destruction looming over us.

Almost an hour later, I arrived. I pulled the dagger out and dipped it in the ashes of the white oak tree before getting out. From outside I could clearly hear my brother's rowdy shouts over the rest of the poor, foolish drunks that were already in there. I walked into the bar to see about two dozen dead, bloody bodies. There was still loud bar music playing in the background and I could see Kol sucking the life out of a blonde man. Once he saw me, however, he dropped the body and turned to give me a bloody grin.

"Can I help you, brother?"

"Oh, I don't know, can you put this in your chest yourself?" I asked, holding up the dagger.

Kol snarled, his grin turning into a glare almost instantly. "Why? Afraid I'm going to hurt your little girlfriend? What's her name again? Caroline?"

"While that may be part of it, you serve a better purpose lying in a box."

Kol lunged at me but I easily sidestepped it. Kol was still on a bit of a blood high, so I knew this wasn't going to take long. Kol looked like he was going to lunge again, but I knew better. I dashed to the door, blocking Kol before he could escape.

"I think a few hundred years in a box should be a sufficient punishment. Then maybe when you get out, you will have learned a few manners."

"Oh come on, Nick, you've done far worse than any of us but yet you are the only one with the daggers."

"True, but the severity of the actions are far less important than the mess that is made. You have a tendency of making  colossal messes which results in the family having to relocate. And Mystic Falls is starting to grow on me, I would hate to leave so soon."

Kol hissed. "You can't do this. I'm not the only one who's grown tired of your games. We all have. And we're going to turn against you sooner or later."

"Well then it's a good thing nothing can kill me." I said before lunging towards him. I pinned him to the ground and right as I was going to dagger him, he knocked the dagger out of my hands and rolled on top of me. I then grabbed his head with both of my hands and snapped his neck, making him collapse on top of me. Pushing his limp body off of me, I grabbed the dagger, and stabbed it into his heart.

Kol's skin turned a sickening shade of grey before he fell on the ground. I looked around the bar and noticed there were only a handful of people who were still alive, one being the bartender. I compelled the only remaining humans to clean up and dispose of all the bodies and after they finished to forget everything that had happened tonight. I was not in the mood to clean up a bunch of dead bodies.

I picked Kol up, and slung his daggered body over my shoulder. I put him into the trunk and drove further from Mystic Falls, where I had the family coffins hidden.

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