Chapter 5

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"So, how are things with Stefan?" Bonnie asked, wiggling her eyebrows at Elena.

Elena, Bonnie and I were at the Grill, drinking and helping me get my mind off of a certain blue-green eyed original. 

Elena smiled. "Things are going great, I really like him." Her eyes sparkling at the mention of her boyfriend. "How about you, Caroline? Got your sights set on anyone? Klaus?" She asked nervous of what my answer would be.

I started at the fact of being suddenly pulled into the conversation. "What? Me? Klaus is, no. There is nothing between us, he's a jerk and a killer and no."

Elena sighed with relief. "Good. I would hate for you to get hurt again. And also, he's not worth it" she said, standing up. "Bonnie and I were heading over to my house for a girls' night featuring movies and pizza, you wanna join?"

"That's okay. I kind of want to be alone right now." Not mentioning the fact that I didn't want to spend time with them if all there were going to do was talk about how awful Klaus was. I wanted to sort out what I was feeling for him on my own.

"Sure. Is everything okay?" Bonnie asked, concerned.

"Yeah." I forced a smile on my face. "I'm fine."

"Okay then we'll see you later," Bonnie said, grabbing her stuff.

"Bye," I waved as they were walking out of the door.

Then I was alone swimming through my thoughts. But it didn't last long.

"Hello, love."

I looked up to see the handsome original I was just thinking about.

"Oh it's you." I said rolling my eyes.

"I haven't seen you since the dance, how have you been?" He said ignoring my irritated tone.

"Oh not much. Except for the fact that I learned about about you killing my best friend's aunt and almost killing her. And not to mention all of the hundreds maybe even thousands of people you've killed and lying to me about it. So, I think I've been better, thanks." I stood up, about to walk past him when he grabbed my arm. "Let go of me." I growled.

"You're right, I did do all those things. I've been alive for millenniums and the one thing I've learned is humans and their lives are insignificant and temporary. They aren't worth saving or keeping around for that matter, their only purpose is to keep the dominant species fed. Elena's aunt served her purpose and I don't regret killing her. She would have died eventually, I just sped things along. Now that you're a vampire, you'll see that humans aren't worth it. You're their superior, not their friends. It's better if you learn that now rather than later, because most humans won't accept you as you are and you don't deserve to be treated like a monster."

I pulled my arm out of his grip and scoffed in disgust. "The dominant species as you called us, was once human and are still part human. Just because we're stronger doesn't make us better. Humans have a right to live the same as we do and the fact that you think otherwise just emphasizes the fact that you're the monster that everyone said you are. Now, leave me alone."

I turned my back to him and stormed out of the grill.

I hurried home, arriving to an empty house. I dropped my purse by the door and headed toward the couch. I sighed and shook my head, I can't believe I ever thought I could like Klaus or found him attractive, I thought to myself. 

After angrily pacing the floor for a few odd minutes I decided that I needed a distraction. I didn't want to think about stupid Klaus and his stupid charming accent and the fact that even after everything he just told me, I still found him attractive. I couldn't deal with this right now. 

I picked up my purse from the floor and left, headed to Elena's house, where I hoped they might talk some sense into me.

A/N: Sorry it's been a while since I last updated! Thanks for being patient! Anyway, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Please vote! <3

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