Chapter 7

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I woke up in a lot of pain. I looked around, my head spinning and my body aching. But despite the pain, I recognized where I was. The Lockwood's tomb. And I sat in the middle of it, tied to a chair with ropes soaked in vervain.

Suddenly a familiar tall handsome man came into view. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

"Finally you're awake." He said. Then I suddenly remembered who he was.


"Aw, so you remember me from the dance." He said sounding pleased.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Don't take this personally, love. It just so happens that my brother has taken a liking to you."

"Who? Klaus?"

"Ding, ding, ding."

I glared at him then he spoke again. "Look, all you're here for is to lure Klaus in so I can kill him with this." he said holding up a fancy looking wooden stake.

"What is that?"

"This is the one and only white oak stake. It's the only thing that can kill my brother."

"Why do you want to kill him?" I asked starting to get worried.

"My brother is the most selfish monster on this planet. He has kept me in a box for centuries, and I'm done putting up with it." He sat there lost in thought, then he spoke again."Well, let's not waste anymore time." He grabbed a knife and started walking towards me. When he got to me he stopped and pulled out his phone and called someone. He put it on speaker and I knew he was calling Klaus.

"Kol?" Klaus asked in frustration.

"Hello brother."

"Last I checked you were in a box, who in the hell got you out?"

"Now that is a mystery I can solve later. But as for now..." He drove the knife into my thigh.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed.

"Caroline!" Klaus yelled over the phone.

"We're in the Lockwood's tomb, you have five minutes, then she's dead." Kol said with an evil smirk.

He hung up the phone and disappeared with the white oak stake.

Three minutes later I saw Klaus walk in. He was immediately by my side. Before I could tell him Kol had the white oak stake, Kol jumped out of nowhere, but he didn't take Klaus by surprise like he hoped. They were now wrestling each other. I wish I could've jumped in and helped Klaus, but I couldn't get out of these ropes. I looked back over at them and Kol was on top of Klaus. He pulled out the white oak stake and Klaus got even more mad. Klaus then knocked Kol off of him and rolled on top of Kol. He knocked the stake out of his hand and pinned his arms down. 

"Where did you get that bloody thing?" This was the angriest I've seen Klaus. 

"I have my ways." Kol said obviously struggling.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't use it on you right now?" Klaus said reaching for the stake.

"Because Micheal is back!"

"You're lying!" Klaus, stake in hand, swung it towards Kol's heart when a sharply dressed man appeared and grabbed Klaus's arm.

"Stop! It's true." 

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