Chapter 12

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A few weeks ago on Jeju Island....

Taehyung gently pushed back Tiffany's wet hair. That girl looked so beautiful with beads of sweat gathered on the tip of her nose. She looked quite shy, and it made her look cuter than ever. Taehyung kissed her pink rosy lips again. She breathed heavily as she pulled him closer.

    And after they made love, Taehyung let Tiffany sleep in his arm. "You're so beautiful." He whispered his amazement in her ear. Tiffany smiled, but didn't answer him. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. You're tired, hmmm?  Taehyung smiled, moved his face closer to kiss her lips, but then he stopped. He really didn't want to wake this pretty angel up.

    Taehyung cuddled her and slowly touched her black hair. The stars were shining bright in the naked Jeju sky above them, but Taehyung didn't even care. His eyes were locked in Tiffany's flawless face. His smile faintly disappeared. How could a stranger he'd just met a few hours ago look this perfect? And what was this feeling that suddenly surging up his chest?

    Taehyung spent the next hours just watching Tiffany sleep like an innocent baby who was competely oblivious that the world she lived in was full of wars and inflictions. Taehyung couldn't explain what he felt that time. It was something he had never felt before. He had everything a man could ever dream of; wealth, good looks, fancy cars, private jet that would take him anywhere, big house. But why did all he ever want to have right now was this woman? Why did he want her so much even though they barely knew each other?

    His friends always said that he was really lucky to be engaged to such wonderful girl like Choi Sooyoung. They envied him and Taehyung would sneered back at them. But he had never wanted Sooyoung the way he wanted this stranger. Taehyung decided that he would never let Tiffany go. Tomorrow, he would spend another day with her. And when their holiday was over, he would take her to Seoul. Did she say she came from Busan? It didn't matter, he would take her to Seoul as his future wife. Taehyung was sure Sooyoung wouldn't mind if he broke their engagement. They were not boyfriend and girlfriend in the first place. Their engagement was only another name for a friendship.

    And with that afterthought, Taehyung peacefully closed his eyes.


After accidentally seeing Tiffany's hidden tears, Taehyung finally understood that he had fallen in love too deep with her. The more he saw her, the deeper he fell. And he was absolutely sure Tiffany also felt the same.

    Taehyung ran to his scooter. He still had a chance to catch her taxi. If he couldn't find her tonight, he could still find her tomorrow.... But no, he really needed to see her now.


Tiffany paid the taxi before she closed the door. Standing in front of it, she felt her apartment looked so stiff and cold. Yet, she would probably have to spend the remaining days of her life in that solitary place.

    "Tiffany! Tiffany!"

    She recognized that voice. Tiffany turned around, couldn't believe that Taehyung would find her place. That airhead really didn't learn his lesson.

    "How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want to see you again?"

    Taehyung left his scooter and ran toward her. He pulled her into his arms. "I know you love me. I don't know why you try so hard to deny it, but I know you love me. I know you must love me that much. If you didn't love me, you wouldn't try to run away all this time."

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