Chapter 32

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Taehyung refused to leave Tiffany's side even though he wasn't supposed to be inside the ICU. Fortunately, the hospital director knew who Kim Taehyung was. He instructed his staff to let him stay in the room.

Tiffany's father could only watch his daughter from afar. The moment he heard the news about Tiffany's condition, it felt as if a part of him went to coma as well. That poor old man could only curse the life he lived in. Why was God so cruel to him? Wasn't it enough that He had taken his beloved wife... Why did He want to take his daughter as well?

Mr. Hwang shed a lonely tear. He could understand the pain that Taehyung felt. He was dying too when he saw his wife lying on the bed fighting for her last breath a few years ago.

"Hwang ssi,"

Tiffany's father turned around. In front of him, stood a man who looked way older than him. Judging from the way that man dressed, he must be someone important. His stoic face reminded him of someone.


"I'm Taehyung's grandfather." Grandpa Kim introduced himself.

"Oh," Tiffany's father nodded.

"I'm sorry to hear about your daughter."

"Thank you."

"That's why I would like to offer you some money so that your daughter can have a better medication."

Tiffany's father looked at Grandpa Kim. "That's very kind of you, Sir. But I can't accept it. Tiffany is my daughter, she is my responsibility."

"Please don't get me wrong. Your daughter needs a much better medical treatment. I've heard what she suffers from. In my best opinion, USA and European countries offer a better chance to cure cancer."

Tiffany's father gloomily smiled, "you are really kind to my daughter. No wonder Tiffany really loves your grandson so much. Your grandson is a really good guy. I've never seen a love like his love before. Taehyung makes me ashamed of the old me. I wish I had his sincerity and honesty.... " He looked at the room where his daughter was lying in.

Grandpa Kim exhaled. "And that's exactly what I want to talk to you."

Tiffany's father frowned, "I don't understand."

"I want you to take your daughter abroad. You can choose any countries, as long as she is far from my grandson."

Tiffany's father stood still for more than ten seconds. He found it hard to digest what he had just heard. "You want my daughter to be away from your grandson? From Taehyung?"

"Yes, that's what I want."

"B-but why? Why do you want to separate Tiffany from Taehyung? Can't you see that they love each other so much?"

Grandpa Kim coldly stared at Mr. Hwang. "You love your daughter and I love my grandson. You would do the same if you were in my position, Hwang ssi."

Tiffany's father shook his head. "No, I wouldn't do that."

"Your daughter will only ruin Taehyung's life. If she dies, Taehyung will commit suicide. And I can't let that happen....."

"How dare you..." Tiffany's father was trembling in anger. "How could you say such nonsense in my face....! Tiffany is still alive... My daughter is still in there...." That poor man pointed at the room beside him.

"As a parent, we only want what's best for our children.... I hope you can understand it. That's why I'm offering to fund Tiffany's medication abroad..."

"You're not a parent, Kim ssi." Tiffany's father gritted his teeth. "A parent should understand their children's hearts and support them, but you can't even do that small thing."

"You can think I'm a devil for wanting their separation, but I need to protect my grandson."

"Please leave."

"I can help your daughter."

Tiffany's father scoffed. "Kim ssi, I'm probably just a blue collar worker, but as long as I'm still alive, I can still support my daughter financially. Tiffany doesn't need anybody's money. She still has her father."

Dr. Jo stopped his walk when he saw those two old men. "Excuse me, please be quiet. It's a hospital." He bowed his head. "Is there anything I can help?"

"Please tell him to leave, I don't want to see him near my daughter." Mr. Hwang told dr. Jo.

Jo Insung turned to Grandpa Kim, he immediately recognized him as one of the richest men in the country.


"Taehyung ssi," Tiffany's father touched Taehyung's shoulder. "You look tired, why don't you take a rest. I'll take care of Tiffany."

Taehyung looked up. His eyes were red. He could barely sleep ever since Tiffany went into coma. He shook his head. "I'm all right. Don't worry about me."

Tiffany's father sighed. "I know how much you love Tiffany and I am so grateful to you. But you'll only get sick if you keep being like this. You haven't touched the meals I'd bought for your dinner."

"How can I eat when Tiffany doesn't eat anything?" His eyes were watery. "She always loves food. She eats like ten men, but.... She keeps losing weight." Taehyung couldn't stop his lips from trembling.

"Taehyung ssi, I can't let Tiffany see you like this." Tiffany's father looked at the young man before him. He looked so miserable. His face was oily. His hair was tousled. His clothes were rumpled, and he didn't wear any footwear except for the hospital slippers. "Please take a rest even if it's only for a minute."

Taehyung nodded repeatedly, but he didn't move from his chair. His hand still held Tiffany's hand so tightly.
Tiffany's father tapped Taehyung's shoulder once again. "Please take a rest." He bowed his head.

Taehyung couldn't let that old man bow to him. He quickly got up. "I will go and wash my face.... Please look after Tiffany. She may wake up any minute now." Taehyung reluctantly let go off his girlfriend's hand.

"Don't worry."

Taehyung had to drag his feet out of the room. He tramped to the toilet and saw his face in the mirror. He looked more like a beggar than an ex executive vice president. Taehyung stooped low and washed his face in the cold water. When he looked up, he saw a familiar reflection in the mirror, he spontaneously turned around.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung ah." Gong Yoo held a cloth that had been dipped in chloroform over Taehyung's mouth and nose. That handsome man didn't even have a chance to fight back. He was instantly knocked out.[]


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