I'll Never Forget You

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Quick Note: Would you guys like a part 3 to Finding A Home? I've got a few ideas for it if you do. Also I'm just to awkward to write a full lemon ^^' Sorry lol. I could write a lime though (partial lemon/smut) but yeah...on with the story..

(Y/N)'s pov
I sigh. About four months ago Ryan and I were in a terrible car accident with a drunk driver. While I was barely hurt Ryan was A different story. I spent day and night in that room with him, but in the end...he didn't make it. A few months after I lost Ryan (So sorry...just go with it..) I found out that I was pregnant with his child. I cried out of both joy and sadness. I had called Avery, seeing as she had two of her own. She screamed and I had to pull the phone from my ear. Once she calmed down she gave me advice and told me what to expect through the next couple of months. "You'll have to come over soon. We can plan some more stuff out when you find out the gender." I smile at her excitement. "Do you want me to come with you today? I know it's a tough day for you..." I smile sadly. It was the day I lost Ryan. I'd visit him every month on the same day. "I'd rather go alone. Thank you though Avery." "Alright. I'll talk to you soon (Y/N)." She then hung up. It was a rather cold day here. I go to a nearby store and get a bouquet of roses. I then drive to the cemetery. I get out of my car and begin the walk to Ry's grave...I tear up knowing he'll never be able to meet our baby. I reach his grave and kneel in front of the gravestone. "Hey Ryan. It's been a while since I was last here. I'm sorry I don't visit very often. It hurts so much that you're not here with me." I pause for a momentgot, tears streaming down my face. I look up to the cold stone. "I've got something important to tell you." I say and wipe the tears from my eyes. "We're going to be parents Ry...I wish you were here so that our baby would have both of us. I miss you so much Ry..."

Ryan's pov
I sat next to my beautiful wife. I wish I was still with you my love. I wish I could tell you how happy I am. I just want to be with you again. To watch our child grow and learn from the both of us. I wish I hadn't left you so soon. If we had just stayed in that night...none of this would've ever happened. I lay my forehead against her shoulder and she shivers. I miss you so much...my love..

Little bit of a darker chapter. Sorry about that. I hope you enjoyed anyways. I'll make a part 2 of wanted. See you guys later.

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