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Hello, as you can see this isn't an update like most of you probably want but I would like to explain my absence. Here lately I'd been under quite a lot of stress and have had even less motivation to write. It's non-existent anymore. I'm sorry to say I'm probably done with this book for a while...I'm so sorry to disappoint you all. I've received messages and comments on how you enjoy my writing and I'm so so sorry about this. With so much on my plate right now I just can't do this anymore...I'm moving soon and have to get a job and drivers license in such a short period of time. I might come back to my books in the future but I...just don't know what's going to happen.. I'll hopefully see you all soon but for now it's goodbye...I love you guys.


Darling if you're reading this I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this stress. I just didn't want to burden you...

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