Important (Redo)

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Had to replace a chapter because Wattpad won't let me upload for some reason soo...

Ah ha ha, Wattpad you're so funny. Deleteing my chapter. Anyway, I'll speak my mind again. Even though I dont remember completely what I wrote in that last bit. If you didn't know about it I'll go ahead and explain it again. I think someone reported my last chapter and it was deleted. So much for being able to voice my opinion on things. So Ohmwrecker doesn't seem a nice guy to me anymore. Supposedly he's done some kinda messed up things I read in an article sent to me. I'm not saying you have to believe what's in it. I was only asked to spread the word. I realise now I may have come off rather harsh in the chapter Wattpad deleted for me so I thought I'd try again. My apologizes, I didn't mean to come off that way. I was rather upset that someone I've adored for two years possibly isn't who I thought he was at all. The flags were there and I either ignored them or just was blinded by my adoration of him. Either way, if you want to link feel free to directly message (preferred) me or just leave a comment and I'll get it to you. Thank you for your time. Have a nice night and a lovely morning. We hope to see you all soon.

~Avery & Octavia

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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