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Jungkook faked a cough to stop the couple making out infront of us

ew. disgusting.

Taehyung looked at us with his face that i can't really explain. His bitch was smirking all along

"so uhm, what're you doing here?" i asked , putting my hands inside my pocket with Jungkook beside me

"this is my house so im supposed to go here?" Taehyung sarcastically said

i rolled my eyes, " then what is she doing here?" i whispered at him which totally everyone in the room heard. Taehyung went to the toilet, probably wanna get out of this situation

"is it illegal to bring my gf home now?" Argh! This man! You're lucky i love you!

"My sis-in-law is so cute." His bitch said looking at me. I responded with a disgusting face

"anyways, Me and babe are going to have a vacation this weekend." she said smirking at me

"psh." i rolled my eyes and she asked the permission to her 'babe' to go to the toilet

while she was walking she smirked at me. What the actual f is wrong with this bitch?

"Why in the world do you hate her so much?" Taehyung asked in disbelief after his bitch walked out

"because she's a total bitch! You're blind af if you hadnt noticed that." i crossed my arms at him

"Look, Yoona. You have to be in good terms with her. She's my girlfriend. Be nice for a moment, kay?" he smiled which made my heart flutter

"uh fine." i walked to the restroom to ask taehyung out for dinner. But hell i found this bitch making out with my bf ,her hands unbottoning his shirt while taehyung have his eyes wide open and tried pushing her away politely

"Yah stop!" I ran to them and pulled her wrist and slapped her

".....bitch!" i slapped her again and that's when Taehyung came and embraced her in his arms which made me more annoyed

"He kissed me first!" she defended

"tell me a better joke next time"

"slut. You know what , taehyung? Get this bitch out of my house. i dont want to see this face anymore or i'll be the one dragging her to hell." i added and i glared at them, " was slapping her necessary?" Taehyung grabbed his bitch's wrist and walked out of the house

"Yes!" i shouted at him before he drove away

i went to Jungkook who was panting hard, obviously very nervous. I looked at him and cupped his face, " don't worry. They're gone now. I'm here." and there, i hugged him while he tightly hugged me back

i knew that jungkook has this fear of girls. He started to face his fear that's why he started to like someone and that's why he's with me now. He's fear started when his mom cheated on his dad and his mom brought her boyfriend home while Jungkook watched them from afar, And when the slutty girls at school tried to seduce and rape him because he is so good looking af. I wonder how he was not afraid of me when i was being friendly with him back then. Usually, he'd go away as far as possible from the girl but when i tried to talk to him, he actually replied back to me ' maybe because i look like a boy back then ' and that's how our friendship started

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