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When That happened, Realization struck me, ' that yoona is always the one who saves me. She was always there for me,' And there, i realised that ' what would i do without her? She helped me overcome my fears,'

... what will i be now if i didn't met her?

we ate dinner and we got in the car, i took the driver seat. For some reasons, im now really nervouce around her, Is this because of my phobia again? But why her?

Im now avoiding her eye contact and i can feel my face burning, i turned to look the other way, I dont want her looking at my tomato face.


I was about to go to my room but yoona stopped me and grabbed my wrist,

"Jungkook-ah , are you sick?" She asked, i wasn't looking at her but i know that she can see my ears getting red. "n-no.." i answered

"Are you sure? " There, she put her palm on my forehead, checking if i'm sick or not, I stared at her face, examining her every facial feature, She's pretty.

"Hm. That's weird." , she cupped my face, " What's wrong jungkookie? " she asked, our nose touching, i can't take this anymore.

My hands went for the back of her head and gently pulled it, Making our lips touch. Her eyes were open wide, She wanted an answer of why am i being like this, and im giving it to her

She started to kiss back and we kissed passionately, She was closing her eyes.

I broke the kiss when she whispered," t-taehyung....."

why does she have to say that name everytime?.

" Say... my name," she shot her head up and curiously looked up at me,

' why can't it be me?'

"Say it, just for once," i asked her and started to kiss her again,

' i want you to say my name everytime, i want that precious lips of yours say my name. '


' i was always here for you everytime that dumbtae was always hurting you, why.. can't it be me?'

' oh right, im just a replacement anyways'

Replacement [ j.jk ]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum