Chapter 1: The Boy With The Beautiful Blue Eyes

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A/N: this is my first fanfic, take it easy on me. I want you to know ahead of time that there will be triggers (abuse, self harm, depression, eating disorders, etc.) later in the story so don't read if you are sensitive to that sort of stuff.

Dean's POV


I heard the sound of my alarm as I struggled to find the snooze button. We had just moved into our new home, or crappy apartment I should say, so I was sleeping on the floor with a few blankets. Ugh, Monday...  and I'm the new kid... again. I found the cord to my alarm clock and pulled it out of the wall, not ready to wake up.

Just a few seconds later, Sammy, my younger brother bursted into the room with a purple toothbrush sticking out of his mouth.

"DEAN IT'S TIME TO GO! GET UP!" He shouted.

"Sammy no, I don't want to. What are you so pumped about anyway? It's school."

I casually covered the blankets over the scars that littered my wrists. I couldn't let Sammy see them, I couldn't put him through any more pain.

"It's Sam, Dean, and dad said we are settling down here for a good bit, so don't you think that this is our chance to have a normal life without moving around all the time?" He responded, taking the toothbrush out of his mouth. "Maybe try to make some friends, maybe a girlfriend... Or boyfriend..."

Sammy was the only person, besides my dad, that knew I was bisexual. He was totally accepting, I guess the only thing wrong was that I didn't yet accept myself. My dad said it's disgusting and no homosexuals should be living underneath his roof. I got a beating when he found my stash of porn magazines. It wouldn't have been a big deal if they were "straight" magazines, but I also had gay ones.

"Hmm, no thanks Sammy, I'd rather sleep." I replied to him groggily. "Buuuttt unfortunately I can't do that since I have to make you breakfast and drive you to the "oh how exciting school!", so go get dressed, I'll be down in a minute."

I threw on a long-sleeved plaid shirt and some jeans and went downstairs to see my drunk dad passed out on the couch. Figures... I thought.


"Hope you enjoy your first class Sammy!" I hollered as I watched him walk into his first period classroom. My 15 year old brother was a genius, he already was in several AP classes.

I checked my schedule. Looks like I'm off to World History. Fun...

As I walked into the classroom, a mean-looking teacher glared at me before grunting, "Class this is our new student, Dean Winchester. My name is Ms. Naomi. Go take a seat."

As I looked around for a empty seat, my eyes found a boy with dark hair sitting in the back of the room. He glanced at me, looked at the seat beside him, then stared at his desk. It happened to be the only empty seat, so I made my way to the back of the room.

"Hi, I'm Dean," I finally brought up enough confidence to speak to the boy sitting next to me.

"Hello, Dean," He stuttered. "My name is Castiel."

"Castiel? That's an interesting name," I replied to the boy.

"I suppose so," He said shyly. Castiel glanced up at me and I looked into his eyes. They were beautiful. So blue... I thought. I quickly snapped out of my trance and looked at my desk, blushing slightly. He seemed to do the same, looking at his lap and fiddling with his pencil.


Lunch time slowly rolled around. So far I had two morning classes with Castiel. We sat by each other in both, but we haven't talked since we introduced ourselves.

I'm wasn't sure where to sit, but I found an empty table near the back of the cafeteria.

Not too soon after I sat down, a friendly looking red-head approached, as she sat down next to me, she introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Charlie!"

"The name's Dean," I replied.

"Well then Dean, I haven't seen you around, are you a new kid?"


"Well, is it okay if I sit here today? A couple of my friends need a place to sit as well."

"Sure, I don't need all this space to myself."

"Great!" She replied.

Shortly after, a few of other people joined Charlie and I at the table. Charlie introduced me to them, there was Meg, Kevin, Jo, Ash, and Balthazar. They were all pretty friendly, Jo was a little bit flirty, which got onto my nerves a bit because I wasn't really committed to a relationship yet.

Lunch passed quickly with all the attention I got from Charlie and her friends.

My evening classes were basically a blur of information I didn't really listen to. The good part was that Castiel was in all of my end-of-the-day classes, I did ask him for a pencil one time just to get him to look at me with those dazzling blue eyes.

I had promised myself I wouldn't develop any feelings for anybody, since they almost always disappoint me, but with Cas, I couldn't help it, he was gorgeous. He wore a tan trench coat just a little too big for his arms that it covered his hands, and black-ish brown messy hair that made his bright blue eyes look even bluer. It was like every detail on his face was carefully crafted by God himself.

Sighing, I walked out of the front doors towards my car where Sammy was waiting.

"Hey Sam, how was school?" I asked as I clapped him on the back and head for the impala door. The car was my dad's, but he said that Sam and I could drive it to school since our home was a ways away.

"Great, Dean! I made a friend, his name is Gabriel. I also beat up this kid called Dirk because he was being a bully to another kid. What about you?"

"That's great Sammy! My day was fine."

"Just fine? You didn't make any friends?"

"Well this girl Charlie introduced me to some people, and I sit by a boy named Castiel in a few of my classes, that's it. It was fine."

Now he is going to know about my (very small) crush on Castiel, why did I tell him?

"A few classes with him? I'm sure you have a few classes with a lot of people. Why mention him?"

"What? I mean, we talked a few times and he seems nice, nothing more Sam."

"Hmm, ok. Not that I believe you though." He smirks.

"Shut up. Bitch."


A/N: whew. Idk how that was. Probably horrible, I suck at intros. Also, I was wondering if you guys want me to do long chapters and not update as often or split the longer chapters into a few parts and update more. Plz let me know :)

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