Chapter 8: Constellations

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a/n: heya it's me i've decided to update FINALLY
this fanfic is a complete mess tbh and idk what i'm gonna do with it lol
but anyway, this chapter is gonna have some more cute destiellllll yeeeet
and it's longer than most of my other ones so yeah hope you enjoy

"Hey Dean-o."

Dean glanced behind his shoulder, giving a friendly smile at the person he saw coming up next to him.

"Hey Charlie. How's it going?" Dean greeted.

"Great," she replied. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the drive in movie theater tomorrow night?"

Dean cleared his throat before answering, "Oh, um... sure." He was still getting use to the whole 'friend' thing.

"Great! Invite Sam," she said. "Bring your boyfriend along also." The red headed girl smirked at him.

"Charlie, he's not my boyfriend," Dean defended.

Charlie scoffed. "Yeah okay, Dean. But he will be soon." She winked at him and Dean rolled his eyes, but blushed a bit.

"Aww you're blushing!" Charlie teased. "At least just admit to me that you like him."

"I don't," he lied.

"Yeah, and I'm not a lesbian," she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Dean glared at his friend and continued walking to his history class, Charlie still by his side rambling about some video game she had been playing over the weekend.


"Yeah sure Dean. That sounds fun," Cas said to Dean through the phone, trying not to let too much excitement find its way into his voice. Cas cheekily grinned, though, thankful that Dean couldn't see him.

Cas hung up the phone and walked down the hallway, but he felt like prancing. Dean just had that effect on him.

"Woah, Cas," he heard from his brother, who he was unaware of when he walked into the living room. Cas was still smiling, but who could blame him? Talking on the phone with Dean could leave anybody beaming with happiness.

"What?" Question Castiel through his grin.

"What do you think, Cas?" Gabe said. "You look as if you've just hit it off with one of the Hemsworth brothers."

Cas furrowed his brow in confusion at his brother's comment, but he was still too excited to question what he meant.

"Dean just invited me to see a movie," Cas remarked, still smiling.

"Cas! That's great!" Gabriel leapt off the couch towards Castiel who stumbled backward when Gabriel wrapped his arms around Cas.

"Cassie's going on a date!" He teased in a singsong voice.

"It's not a date." Cas grunted and pushed his little brother off of himself.

"Oh yeah? Then what is it?" Gabriel asked.

"Uh..." Cas halted, color beginning to spread throughout his face.  "I-I don't know. But we're going with Charlie and he said that you and Sam are invited too."

"Ah," Gabe sighed. "Okay." A grin spread across Gabriel's face, as if he knew something that Castiel did not.

"What?" Castiel asked, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly.

"Nothing," Gabriel answered, smiling suspiciously as he shook his head slowly.

Castiel frowned, but he didn't question his brother any further. His head was consumed with thoughts about how his night at the movies with Dean was going to play out. Gabriel sat himself back down onto the light gray couch and reached for the remote. He enjoyed watching television downstairs when the Novak boys' uncle wasn't home. Cas settled himself next to the smaller boy; watching television with his brother was always something Castiel enjoyed doing once in a while as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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