Chapter 3: Lunch

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A/N: Again with the horrible chapter names. Anyways,
Hi guys. This chapter will be happier and stuff. Hope you like it! <3
Also jensen is a beautiful singer, watch the video.

Cas' POV

After the most restful night I've had in a few weeks, I woke up, my whole body was aching. There were bruises from where I was punched, and my forearm was stinging. It hurt like hell.

Looking at the clock, I groaned. 6:30 A.M., time to get ready for school...

After I gathered myself out of bed, I headed to the shower. Turning the handle to hot, I let the water warm up before I stepped in.

Undressing, I looked into the mirror, even after the 6 hours of sleep I had gotten last night, I still had bags under my eyes. Once the water was hot, I stepped into the shower, wincing as the liquid ran over my forearm. I shampooed my hair, got out, got dressed, put my contacts in, and tried my best to get my hair to cooperate, which it does not.

My Uncle was not surprisingly passed out on the couch, and my mother was already gone to work. She barely bothers to say hello to me or Gabriel. She knew what my uncle does to me on the weekly, and doesn't even care to help. My mother has changed so much ever since my father left, she has fallen apart, her only worry now is stressing to keep the bills paid while my uncle does nothing. I wished that I could get a job to help out, but I was afraid that my anxiety would get in the way of actually doing a good job. Plus, I didn't want to leave Gabriel here with my uncle.

Peeking my head into my younger brother's room, I said gently, "Gabriel, it's time to get up."

No reply.

"Gabe," I tried.

"Gabriel!" I decided to yell, because he wasn't answering.

He jumped, fell out of his bed, then yelled at me, "Holy shit! Cas! What are you doing? Trying to give me a heart attack? Geez."

"It's time to get up."

"And you couldn't tell me that without yelling?"

"I apologize."

I did my morning chores and once Gabe was ready, we headed out. Fortunately, we only lived 10 blocks away from school, which was short enough to walk, so we leave at 7:45, since school started at 8:30. I enjoyed arriving early, so that I could study, plus, Gabriel liked to chat with his friends before first bell.

While walking, I listened to the very irritating noise of Gabriel sucking on a cherry flavored lollipop. When it finally got on my nerves too much, I said, "Gabriel, please stop making that disgusting noise with your mouth."

"What disgusting noise?"

"The one you are making." He then took the candy out of his mouth and smacks his lips together to make the gross noises on purpose.

"Gabriel, I asked you nicely, and now I would very much appreciate it if you would shut up."

"Geez, Cas. You're such a downer." Placing the candy into his mouth, we kept walking.


When we arrived, Gabriel immediately went over to his new "friend" Sam Winchester. Winchester... I hope Dean's here today.

I headed to my locker, and as I turned the corner, my heart sped up and I blushed when I realized that Dean was standing several feet away from me.

Why do I get so nervous whenever I see him?

He glanced over at me, smiling when his eyes met mine.

Oh my God. He is so hot. I forgot how hot he was.

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