Chapter 4: Roadhouse

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A/N: hi guys, sorry I haven't uploaded in so long, I've just been kinda busy. anyways, here you go , hope you enjoy :)

Dean's POV

Last bell. Finally.

I headed off to meet Sam and Cas outside by the impala. Cas went to fetch his his younger brother Gabriel since he wasn't informed on our after-school plans.

"Heya Sammy," I greeted as I leaned against baby, waiting for Gabe and Cas.

"Sammy's a chubby 12 year old. It's Sam, okay?"

"What? Where'd you get that from Sammy?" I chuckled and rustled his brown hair.

He groaned and said, "Come on, let's go."

Sam began to open the door to the passenger seat, but I cut him off by saying, "No, we're waiting for somebody."

"What? Who are we waiting for?" My little brother closed the car door and looked at me with curiosity. He knew I didn't make friends, much less invite them over.

"Gabriel and Cas."

"Wait, Gabriel and Castiel Novak? Isn't Cas the one you have a big crush on?" He smirked.

"What!? No Sam! I don't like him other than a friend," I defended myself. Why did everyone assume I liked him? "Also, I know Gabriel is your friend, so why not have them both over? Dad's not home tonight and I don't have to work, so I assumed that it would be fun."

"Okay, you're right. It'll be fun," Sam agreed.

"Sam!" I heard someone yell. Sam twisted around in search of the person who called his name to be surprised by a hug.

Sam grunted, "What the hell Gabe?" before pushing him off.

"I missed you," Gabriel tried to hug Sam again, but Sam easily pushed him away.

"We literally saw each other 10 minutes ago," Sam stated.

Cas was right behind Gabe, he glanced at Sam fending off Gabe's hugs and then looked at me.

"Hello, Dean," He greeted.

"Hi, Cas," We grinned at one another and I made my way around the car to the driver's seat.


"Who wants to go to the Roadhouse before heading home?" I asked. I was in the mood for a milkshake.

A series of multiple "YES's!"came from Sam and Gabriel in the back seat.

I directed my attention toward Cas who answered, "Sure, Dean. But neither Gabe nor I have money..."

"Well, then you're lucky I'm paying," I resolved, swerving onto a different road leading away from home and toward the Roadhouse Diner.

"Hey, Dean? Can we listen to some different music? You're taste is crap," Sam expressed.

"What's wrong with this?" I bopped my head along to the beat and cranked up the tunes.

"Turn it down, Dean!"

"FIRE OF AN UNKNOWN ORIGIN, TOOK MY BABY AWAYYY!" I used the steering wheel as a pretend drum while I sang. Sam groaned, but I looked over at Cas who was laughing. His laugh brought a wider grin onto my face.

"Hey, Cas, what kind of music do you listen to?" I asked him after lowering the volume of the radio.

"Oh so, Cas gets to pick the music and I don't?"

"Sam, shut your cake hole," I ordered him. He pouted while Gabriel tried to tackle him.

"Uh, I am pretty open to any music," Cas answered. "But, I like love songs..."

"Love songs, eh?" I looked over at him and smiled. He blushed. "Well at least you're not picky like Sam back there."

Cas seemed like the person who'd enjoy love songs. Sam would've die for me to admit this, but I did too.


"Wait, so shipping is when you morph two people's names together and want them to make out?" Sam asked Gabe who was having the same conversation that we already went through at lunch.

"Yes. They are Destiel," Gabe pointed to Cas and I who were awkwardly sitting very close to one another on the booth. I rolled my eyes.

"Destiel?" Sam asked, "Wait, wouldn't it be Deastiel?"

"Sam, why don't you just do that thing where you shut up. Forever." I had to be honest, it was getting really annoying when people keep 'shipping' Cas and I.

"Oh, hey guys!" A blonde girl approached, who appeared to be our waitress.

"Jo! Hi!" I said once I came to the realization of who she was. "I didn't know you worked here."

"Yeah, it's my mom's place. I am expected to help out," She grinned, "well, can I get you anything?" She said as she pulled out a pen and notebook to take down our orders.

"Yeah, I'll get a bacon cheeseburger with fries. Oh and a milkshake," I ordered.

"I'll have a milkshake and some fries," Gabriel said.

"I'll just have a burger, please," Cas said.

"Can I get a salad?" Sam, of course, ordered.

"A salad? Really, Sam?" I criticized.

"Shut up, Dean."

"Okay... got it! It'll be out in a few!" Jo smiled and walks away, and I thought I caught her winking at me.

Rolling my eyes, I directed my attention back to the people sitting around the booth. We chatted for a while as we waited for our food. Sam and Gabriel made some annoying comments about how Cas and I would make a cute couple, but I couldn't help but admit to myself that I agreed on some of the things they said. Not that I would say that outloud or anything.

When our food arrived, everyone got pretty quiet while we ate. I had only been to this place 3 times now, but I knew I was going to come back for their amazing food.

"Gabriel stop trying to force feed me your milkshake! I don't want any!"

"Sam Winchester, you can't just live off of salads!" Gabe and Sam argued, making it difficult for us to have an enjoyable meal.

"And you can't live off of candy, Gabe. You're going to get diabetes!"

"I am not."

"Yes. You are."

"Look! I have my vegetables!" Gabriel held up a French fry.

"Potatoes have no nutrition, especially after they're fried." It's funny how easily pissed off Sammy could get over health and food.

"Well then I'll dip them in ketchup. That's a vegetable," Gabriel wouldn't give up.

"Gabriel, ketchup is not a vegetable." Cas decided to chime in.

"Yes it is."

"Dean, is ketchup a vegetable?" Cas turned toward me for the tie breaker.

"Hell yes ketchup's a vegetable," I said as I took another big bite from my burger.

Sam groaned, clearly very annoyed with all of us. Gabe laughed while he dipped a French fry into his chocolate milkshake and ate it. I chuckled and shoved some more cheese burger into my mouth, never setting it down until it's gone.

We all created small talk throughout the rest of our meal. Once we were all finished, I paid and thanked Jo for her service. All four of us headed to the impala to drive back to my house, and honestly who knew what we were going do once we got back, I was just glad Cas was with me.

A/N: why do you guys read my stuff I feel like it's horrible lmao. But thanks for reading I guess. I have no clue when the next chapter is going to be out, but i promise there will be a new one eventually. I'm gonna make the next one have some cute destiel and yeah they haven't really done much yet, but they're getting there.
Bye guys! Thanks for reading!
Smell ya later bitches ✌💙

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