Chapter 6: Brother Talk

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a/n: welcome to thE SIXTH CHAPTER
This chapter is mainly about the time that Sam and Gabriel had during the time that they were at Sam and Dean's
I'm also gonna keep the 3rd person pov for now because i enjoy writing like that
i hope u enjoy...

"What do you want to do, Gabe?" Asked Sam as he sat down on his bed.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" Gabriel replied.

"I asked you first, asshat," Sam returned.

"I wanna do what you wanna do," Gabriel sternly stared at Sam, who was clearly irritated.

Sam rolled his eyes and groaned. "Gabriel stop, I don't wanna play your games right now," He said, his voice laced with annoyance.

"Fine," Gabriel sighed, then a suspicious smile came to his face.

"Gabe... what are you smil-" Sam was cut off as Gabriel tackled him and pinned him down on the mattress. (THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE SEXUAL CALM DOWN)

"Stop!!" Sam screamed while suppressing giggles, "Ahh! I hate being tickled!" He grunted as he pushed Gabriel off of himself.

"Well that's good to know," Gabriel smirked, then snickered.

"Don't you dare," Warned Sam as a grin came to his face, "Don't do it!"

Gabriel lunged himself at Sam, but he lept off of the bed just in time to avoid Gabe's attack.

"Now I know how to avoid your attack, you couldn't get me if you tried!" Sam exclaimed.

"Oh yeah?" Gabriel questioned as he raised an eyebrow at Sam. "I'm the trickster! I can trick anybody!" Gabriel jumped onto Sam's back and practically attacked him with tickles. (lol sorry this is bad i'm making them seem like 10 year olds, oh well)

The young boys collapsed on the ground laughing.

Two minutes later, Gabriel and Sam finally ceased laughing, their stomachs sore. They laid there in silence for a couple of minutes before Gabriel sighed and asked, "Hey Sam?"


"I'm worried about Cas."

"Why?" Sam asked.

Gabriel lifted his back off the floor and sat crossed legged on the rug. "If I tell you this, can you promise not to tell anybody? I really need someone to talk about it and I feel like I can trust you."

"You can trust me," Sam promised. "What's going on?"

"Well, um..." Gabriel hesitated, "Cas is gay, and our uncle... gives him a hard time for it."

"What do you mean by a 'hard time'?"

"He.. uh... he hits Cas," Gabriel quietly explained with a sad look in his eyes. His hands fiddled with the rim of his shirt nervously and he looked up at Sam, "I'm really scared for him, Sam."

Sam was silent for a moment, absorbing the information, a stern but concerned emotion spread across his face.
"I'm so sorry, Gabe."

"It doesn't help to say sorry to me, but thanks... I guess," Gabriel exhaled heavily.

"No, it's just... this topic hits a little too close to home. It's really hard for me to talk about."

"Does your dad hit you?" Gabriel sounded more worried than before.

"No, it's Dean," Sam hesitated before saying his brothers name. "Not as much anymore, though. It happened a lot more when we were younger," He gulped, as if he were trying to hold in a sob.

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