Jin x BTS part 1

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This part explains how Jin starts to date BTS they're not dating yet btw also no smut in this part sorry.

Authors pov

Jin woke up with sweat dripping down his forehead. He was scared, of what, the dark and the voces. Jin quickly reached for his phone and turned it on.

The light of the phone shining on his face making him close his eyes. He looks at the time and sees that it's 4:36 am.

He turns the phone around to scan the room, only to see yoongi sleeping and the rest of his clean room.

He got up to leave the room because he knew that he couldn't go back to sleep after have a nightmare. But he hears moving from yoongi so he turned around to see yoongi sitting up straight and staring at him

"What time is it jin?" Yoongi said tired

"4:36 am, so go back to sleep yoongi." Jin said with a smile on his face.

"Why are you up so early?" Yoongi asked wondering what jin is doing.

"I-I had a nightmare." Jin said nervous because yoongi might laugh or make fun of him.

"Come sleep with me then if your scared jin." Yoongi said with a smile on his face. Jin not sure what to do,but he took the offer and climbed in bed with yoongi setting his phone on the table next to the bed.

"Night jin." Yoongi said extremely tired, but brings jin closer to him, with his hands around his waist. Jin started to feel safe. His head on yoongi's chest. Closing his eyes about to go to sleep when jin said something that shocked yoongi.

"Night daddy" Jin said without realizing what he said and fell asleep. But on the other hand yoongi's eyes widen at what jin said. But he oddly like it.

Now yoongi is just layed there hugging jin and thinking about what jin said and how it fucked him up. But soon he fall asleep next to the already sleeping boy.

Jins pov

Let me explain some stuff to you I have a daddy kink. And I'm trying to hide it from the members and fans.

Which has caused me to have nightmares, about people calling/telling me things like 'kill yourself', 'your disgusting',' gross', or 'I don't want you in our group anymore'. That last on hurt me the most.

I didn't want to leave BTS I loved all the members so much that it would hurt me so much to get kicked out of the group. So instead of showing my true colors to the group and fans. I kept it inside hide from all the members.

Jungkook pov

I was sitting in the corner of the dance studio watching YouTube videos. When jin came up to me.

"Can I sit on your lap" Jin asked. It wasn't that strange for Jin to ask that. He always sits on somebody's lap, but I guess I get the pleasure of haveing jins but on my thighs today.

" sure" I said while opening my arms up so that he can sit down and he did just that. I put my arms around his waist while holding my phone so we can watch YouTube videos together.

We were watching some fan made videos. It was about us -bts- on crack it was really funny. But I kept getting distracted by Jin because he kept wiggling his butt on my crotch, when he was laughing.

Before I new it the video was already over and jin was looking at me all cute like.

"Are you ok jungkook" Jin asked. But I was still focused on jins butt and I could feel myself getting hard. And the look on jin face told me he could feel it.

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