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Jungkook pov

We just finished dance practice, and we're leaving the dance studio To go back to the dorm. Unfortunately the staff members had to ride back with us. Which made jimin sit on my lap because the two staff members got the front and passengers set. With Jin, Tae and Namjoon in the front and Yoongi, Hoseok, and me with jimin on my lap.

One of the cypher songs came on part 3 in particular. And of course tae went crazy, like what is up with that kid? Then everyone in the car went crazy except me because jimin was wiggling his butt on my crotch, and of course it was distracting me.

"YOU CAN'T CONTROL MY SHIT" Jimin and tae yell at the top of there lungs (it was the only english line i can remember and im to lazy to look the lines up lol). With jimin still wiggling his fucking buttiful round butt-

What the fuck are you thinking jungkook dont thinking about jimins nice but like that, your going to get hard or shuld I say harder than you already are.

Hoseok part came on and of course hoseok joined in and tae and jimin raped as well and I was getting horny for this but on my crotch. Like I just want to smash in this round-

Jimin all the sudden terned around taking me out of my thoughts and looked at me in a sexy way only jimin can do that you just have to see from yourself. And oh my god it made me even hader than I already was.

Then jimin turned around like he never felt my boner, but then he scooted closer and pressed his bottom harder on my crotch. I had to bite my lip to stop the moan that was ready to slip out.

He slowly started to grind his nice round butt on my hard shaft. I look around the car to see if anyone was watching but yoongi was asleep (like how can he sleep in a car filled with a bunch of screaming people?) But hoseok to busy screaming with tae to look at me, and I don't even want to know what jin and Namjoon are doing.

Jimin stoped screaming the cypher song and focused on what he was doing to me. He pushed his back to my chest and put his head on my shoulder and sucked on my neck. Probably going to leave a few hickeys.

"Jimin what are you doing?" I asked stuttering from everything jimin is doing to me.

"Nothing." He said after he stoped sucking on my neck, but he's still grinding me with his butt. I placed my hands around his waist. Then I noticed he was just as hard as me.

So I did what anyone else would do in my place and I started to rub my hand on his hard shaft. He moaned but it was so soft that no one heard him besides me.

All the sudden the music stoped and the car was done moving and everyone was getting out. So we were already at the dorm? I look at jimin and he pouted at me.

"Don't worry we will continue when we get in the dorm." At this he immediately smiled and looked pleased with himself

He got out of the car and I followed him with both of us trying to cover are erections.

As we walked closer to the dorm jimin and I stayed in the back so no one would notice our erections. But of course tae came back to talk to us.

"Hey want to play video games when we get inside?" He asked. I was about to tell him no what jimin said.

"No we don't want to play today tae." Jimin said in a nasty tone. I could tell he really wanted to do it.

"Ok fine you don't have to be so mean about it god." He said kind of annoyed at jimin for being nasty with him. And walk up to yoongi probably to ask him to play video games with him.

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