Part 1

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It all began so many years ago, when I decided to run and hide who I really am. 

The events that occurred 6 years ago, made me who I pretend to be today: the school's nerd. No one nows who I really am in my day to day life. No one knows that the most popular people in school are actually my siblings, even though we have the same name, I know ridicules, right! 

So that's how this morning, on the first day of school, the horrible sound of my alarm woke me up WAY to early. I mean come on waking up at 6:30 in the morning is just inhuman! I know, I know, a nerd needs to love school, well that's the catch I am not a nerd. Yes, I'm a straight A student, but I do not study, partly because I hate it, but also because I don't have time for it.

So after my daily cursing and taking an other 20 minutes or so, I finally decide to get up and get ready for school. I actually only live 5 minutes away and school doesn't start until 8 o'clock, but what can I say, I have a lot to do in the morning. You're probably very confused now, well let me explain. In this gigantic house we theoretically live with ten people, but my parents are literally never home so it's just me and my seven siblings. Starting with the eldest we have Daniel and William, they're 17 and twins, then you have Jeremy, Clarissa and me for the record we're triplets and 16, after us there is Jenna, she is 13 and then you have Nathaniel and Lucinda, also twins and 10 years old. And guess who has to take care of them, oh wait me. Oh the joy I get from it. See the sarcasm in there.Well, actually it isn't that bad, oh who am I kidding it's a living nightmare, but it's my life and they're happy so I'm happy. And as a consequence of me taking care of them. I also have to make them breakfast and make sure they are in school on time. And if I want to get my morning shower I have to get up an hour earlier, jej me!

After my morning shower I wake everybody up and go to make them breakfast as I always do.While I'm baking the pancakes, Will enters the kitchen like every other morning he is the first one to be ready, guess who's the last yep indeed Clary no surprise there huh!

"Good morning, Will" I say in my oh so cheerful voice, see what I did there, sarcasm!

"Morning, little one" oh that nickname it drives me insane sure I'm short with my 5'5, but he's just a giant really the boy is 17 and 6'3. All I'm saying is that I'm not that short, okey maybe I am but that doesn't give him the right to point that out to me with that damed nickname.

"How many times do I need to say that I hate that nickname and that you have to stop using it!" I said a little angrily and he just scoffed and said NO! I mean seriously! You probably think that I hate my brother hah nope I love him. He's my favorite brother and they all know it. If I didn't love him this much I would probably rip his head of for calling me that.

Well, all I did was glare at him and as I did so he just stole a pancake! No one steals my food, you heard me no one!

"Hey, you know you can't do that! Not in MY house, you can't!" I kindly, softly yelled at him.

"Im still older than you and taller and stronger, I can do whatever I want" he shot back.

"Well, do I need to remind you who pays the bills and everything else, oh or who makes sure that there is food, fresh clothes, a house, money and everything else!" I yelled, making him stand there speechless, yep now I got him.

"Ha, no great comeback now huh!" He stayed quiet, just standing there, like a complete idiot. It was kinda funny 😂

"Just get you lazy ass on a chair, so you can eat your pancakes, you idiot"

"I'm not lazy nor an idiot!" He replied.

"Yeah, you are" I said as Dan came in the room and asked who was what.

"I just said that Will here is lazy and an idiot" I answered his question, knowing what his answer will be. While I put Will's stack of pancakes in front of him, since he was staring at them for the past 5 minutes 😂 oh how I enjoyed the suffering from my siblings hahaha.

"Tell her she's wrong Dan" Will said a bit absent minded because he was to focused on devouring his food.

"Sorry, bro can't do that" he said clearly holding in his laughter.

"Why!?" Will whined.

"Because, we can't lie in this house and I'm not ready to die just yet" he answered as he took his place at the table next to Will and patting his back.

"See I'm always right and never forget that" I said to Will with a serious look until I bursted out laughing. Causing Dan to lose his cool and joining in with me. Will just shot daggers in our heads but soon joined in to. Not a moment later my five other siblings walk into the kitchen, looking very confused at the sight in front of them. It didn't take long for Clary to ask what was going on. After my laughter died dow a bit, I told them what happened and they all burst out into laughter too. I know what you're thinking, what kind of crazy ass family is that! Hahaha well here's your answer: you do not want to know.

After everyone ate their breakfast. It was time to leave for school. As usual I take the little ones to school first before going to my own school, while the others leave directly for our school. Dan and Will on there motorcycles and Jer, Clary and Jen in Jeremy's car, this is how it goes every morning, minus the Will being a complete idiot and stealing my food, when he knows better. So when we left I took the little twins to their school which was also five minutes from our house and five minutes from my school Ocean Blue High. Need to give them some credit for the name though 😂 after I dropped Nate and Luce of. I rode to my own school.

🙄 AN 🙄

I just want to say that this is my first story, so don't judge my bad writing skills please. 

Also English isn't my first language, so if there are any mistakes in my spelling or grammar simply point them out and I will correct the mistake, thank you. 😄

Who am I?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt