Part 3

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I really love chemistry it just comes so naturally to me, practically like everything else haha. 😂 Apparently only Nicolas takes AP Chem and three guesses on which chair in the class his fat ass landed. Yep next to mine. I looked up and saw him.

"Ugh, you again seriously are you stalking me or something." He smirked at me. He freaking SMIRKED, how dare he. 

"No, but I know you wish I was."

 "Not even in your dreams asshole." He wanted to say something but I stopped him. "Just don't talk to me. I do not want to hear your aggravating voice during this whole lesson. No actually make that ever. I do not want to hear you voice ever again so will you just shut the hell up."

"What if I don't feel like that." 

"For God's sake just SHUT UP!" I was full on shouting know. He was completely taken aback. 

"Miss Etoilière. There will be no shouting in my classroom!" Mr. Richards said sternly. Btw he is my cousin so I get away with practically anything in his class.

"I know sir. I'm sorry." I said in a calm voice. Next to me Nicolas smirked like he had won or something oh boy was he in for a surprise. 

"Good, so we will start with exercises on the subject material from last year to see what you remembered and what I have to refresh. I hope you paid attention last year because I'm not feeling like repeating a lot. It causes extra work." He smiled at his own remark and the whole class burst out laughing except for Nicolas I think he was still recovering from the shock of me not getting punished for shouting in class. The papers were handed out and we started our work. The classroom was silent since everyone knows you do not talk during these exercises, well it was quiet until.

 "Wait, are you serious! This girl here is shouting at me in class and you don't even give her a punishment!" Now it was his turn to shout. Wrong move Nicolas, wrong move. 

"Mr. Del Heron I think you will enjoy detention with Mr. Hoselas very much." 

"What! I get detention and she doesn't what kind of teacher are you!"

 "Just shut the hell up. You're only making it worse." I wisper yell at him. 

"I'm the kind of teacher who doesn't appreciate being yelled at!" He wasn't yelling but his voice was radiating with authority. 

"I do..." I kicked his leg before he could make matters worse for himself. He turned to me.

"What did you do that for!?" 

"To shut you up. You need to stop yelling at him before he gets really mad."

"You should get detention to." 

"Maybe but you need to tell him that in a polite normal way and not shout at him."


"Fine make things worse for yourself I'm only trying to help ungrateful asshole" 

"It's your fault I'm in this mess."

 "My fault! You're the one who wouldn't stop bugging me. YOU made me snap like that." 

"Are you two done with your little dispute?" Mr. Richards asked me and Christian with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yes, we are" I said before Nicolas could answer anything else.

"So Mr. Del Heron is there something you want to say to me?" 

"If you're suggesting that I apologize then you can wait forever because that is not going to happen sir."

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