Part 2

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Once I arrived I went straight for my locker, you may wonder why not join your brothers and sister, well here's the thing I'm the 'nerd' and they're the populars, so we do not know each other at school. And I also don't haven friends at school, outside of it yes a few actually. We have Lizzie or as we call her Liz, then there is Micheal or simply Mike, his best friend Anthony or Tony, but I like to call him Mister True Love or MTL when I'm with my best friend Gabriella or Gabby for short and for me Gabs. Her and Tony are like this serious power couple. They annoy the living shit out of me, but I'm happy for Gabs that she found someone. But yet again we can't speak at school since I'm the nerd and they are like popular. This results in me being completely lonely in school. I don't really mind anymore. This is just how it has always been. I reached my locker and got my books out, then the bell rang so I got to my first lesson English/Literature. I love Literature, reading and writhing. I just love it.

I hurry to class since I don't want to be late on my first day. I arrive before anyone else and say hi to our teacher Miss Clear, after that I take a seat in the far back of the class, next to the window. I love sitting next to the window, this way I can look outside and not pay attention to class without being bored out of my freaking mind. Again I know I'm supposed to be the nerd and like all of my lessons, but the truth is that I don't like paying attention because I don't really learn shit, for short: I already know everything they are saying. As I was looking outside, the other students strolled in the classroom and each took a seat as far away from me as poddible. This always makes me laugh like come on it's not that I carry a highly contagious, incurable disease and yet they all act like I do. I chuckle lightly at this thought. I know I'm being cast out and seen as a freak ha they have no idea, but honestly I don't mind that everyone stayes away from me. I'm actually not such a people person, let's just say that I would prefer food and sleep over people every day. When finally everyone was seated, Miss Clear started her lesson and I immediately zoned out, well until the door burst open with a hell of a lot of noise. To see who the hell disturbed my peaceful thoughts I turn my head towards the door only to see three idiots I have never seen before in my life standing there, acting like they're all that. Huh I hate people like that. When I turned to look at the class, bored with the sight of new students although we never get them since we live in a small neighborhood, I saw that every girl and I mean EVERY girl in the whole freaking classroom was totally drooling over these three morons. I rolled my eyes at the sight of this, I mean come on you do not have to drool over every hot guy you see and maybe just maybe I didn't drool because I'm 'graced' (cough, cough not really) with the sight of hot guys everyday meaning my three brothers who for some reason never wear a shirt at home which is really disturbing by the way. So basically I'm used to it. Having quite enough of this nonsense I turned my focus back to the window, looking back outside. And than again my peace was disturbed, but this time it was Miss Clears voice.

"You guys are late. I do not tolerate late students." She said with a stern voice. I wasn't looking at the boys but that wasn't necessary to know that they were rolling their eyes at her. They just look like the typical 'bad boys' who don't give a fuck about what anybody else says and I heard them scoff as soon as she said that. But even too my surprise they didn't give a snarky remark well kinda.

"We're new" was all one of them said in a not so friendly manner.

"Do I look like I care if you are new students? You could be the president for all I care an I would still say the same thing. You do not come late to my class. Do you understand!" God you just have to love this teacher.

"And do we look like we care about anything you say?!" Ouch he should not have said that.

"All three of you have detention for a week and now you can introduce yourself. After that you sit down on a chair and I do not want to hear another word come out of your mouth. Is that clear!" And there you have it people another reason why I love this teacher so much. She just gives punishment whenever she wants to. Gotta love that woman. I was still looking outside not bothering to look at the three new students. I guess one of them opens their mouth to say something because Mss Clear was quick to cut him off.

"I do not want to hear an other word coming from your mouths except for your names. Or do you prefer two weeks detention?" This was clearly a rhetorical question and I guess they gave up not wanting two weeks detention, because the next thing I hear are their names. 

I still wasn't interested when I heard one of them say: " My name's Jacob Smith" after he said that he took a seat in front of me since that was one of the few left. After that I hear an other one say: " I'm Alexander Stone" and he takes the seat next to Jacob. Two down one to go and at that moment I hear the last guy say: "Nicolas Del Heron" still looking outside I hear his footsteps coming closer to me, probably taking a seat with his friends, but then I hear the class gasp and a chair being pulled out next to me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him sitting down on the chair. The moment his butt touches the seat I let out a huge sigh and let my head fall on my desk. Couldn't they simply have taken the seats on the other side of the class, no they had to sit here! And just like that Miss Clear continues her lesson explaining the task we will have to do. Once she starts her explanation I'm all ear since I do want to know what assignment we're getting.

"So for this assignment you will read a Shakespeare play" and with those words I hear the whole class grunting in disagreement except those three new guys and me of course. "Yes, yes I know you do not like reading, but unfortunate this is English/Literature so you will read this and write an essay about the play you choose" and there we go again with the grunting. "Come on just stop grunting you all chose this class yourself, this is ridiculous" I murmur to myself. Only that Nicolas guy who's sitting next to me apparently heard since he's chuckling lightly. Choosing to ignore him I listen to the teacher who is explaining the rest "for this assignment you will work in pairs" now everyone was making their own pairs, stupid students. "Hush down everyone you will simply work with your current neighbor." Ok now I shot my head up. 

"What?!" Oh I said that out loud, that was not my intention.

"Is something wrong Miss Etoilière?"

"Yes, you said we have to work in pairs, with our neighbor." She looked at me strangely.

"Yes, I did and I don't see the problem" by now everyone was looking at me.

"Well, Mss with all due respect but I don't feel like working with him." I said pointing at Nicolas and again the whole class gasps in surprise. "It's just that I prefer to work alone, I always work alone."

"Well, I'm sorry Miss Etoilière but this is a partner assignment." Oh come on. I groan and let my head fall back on my desk.


"So the rest of the lesson you will have time to sort everything out with your partner. You will have to do this assignment at home and in class."

"So what play do you want to do?" I hear someone say. I look to the side at Nicolas who's sitting there looking at me with a lifted eyebrow.

Sill lain on my desk I say: "Just to be clear I do not do teamwork so I will do everything and write your name underneath it. All you have to do is pretend to help me and read it when I'm done so if she asks you about it you can answer her questions. Tis way we will not have to meet up or even talk to each other. Does this work for you?" Now I'm the one with the raised eyebrow and he's just sitting there looking at me with a surprised expression on his face, but that is soon replaced by a smirk. God can he get any cockier?

"Are you sure you can handle it without me?" Oh people yes he can. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Of course I can you idiot, just say you agree and then we can stop talking to each other for the rest of our lives." I was about to turn my head back into my arms, but him being the cocky basters he is had to say something.

"You sure you want that?" A cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"Yep" popping the p "pretty sure I want this to end as soon as possible and forget you ever existed." His smirk was momentarily replaced with a look of utterly astonishment and then back was that smirk. Gosh I wanted to punch that smirk off of his face so badly. Happy thoughts Tessa, happy thoughts, think about unicorns and food.

"I don't think anyone can forget me." And there was his voice again disturbing my peace.

"I think I can make it work"

"But do you want to?!" I looked at him with an are-you-serious look.

"I wished I never met you in the first place" come on bell ring. End my misery. And as if on cue the bell rang, thank God. I was up and out of that classroom in a heartbeat and on my way to AP Chem with Mr. Richards.

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