Part 6

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History, with Mr. Andrews, he's one of those teachers that only talks about his personal life in class and expects us to pay attention to his story and know all the subject material without having seen anything in class. I mostly sit in the back and listen to music instead of paying attention, what's the use anyway 1) I already know the whole history of the world and 2) I have no interest in his personal life there is something as To Much Information. It's a shame he doesn't get that concept. As usual I'm the first one to arrive in class and I notice that the teacher is absent but his stuff isn't so he probably went to do something and return later. I take a seat in the corner at the end and next to the window. I get out my headphone and play my favorite playlist, grabbing a piece of paper and my pencils. While I'm drawing I barely notice that the classroom is filling with students and when I do I catch them looking at my sweater. They probably wonder what I did to it. The next moment I look at the huge desk at the front I see that the teacher returned and is now struggling with the computer, aways funny to watch that. But my fun is quickly outlived when I see three certain annoying boys step into the room. Please don't sit near me, please. And of course as soon as they see me they strode in my direction. Why on earth can't other students just sit in front of me. NOOO they just have to stay away from the nerd. Who nows maybe her nerdyness is contagious. Stupid students and why the hell do these three always chose a seat near me! I mean don't they see that I want nothing to do with them!? Once they reach my seat Alexander and Jacob take the two seats in front of me and dear Nicolas takes the lovely seat next to me. Oh how happy I am with this, NOT! I simply glare at him and continue my drawing as Mr. Andrews begins his lesson. After 20 minutes of Mr. Andrews non stop talking about who knows what since I'm not even listening but I guess he's busy talking about his vacation judging by the looks on other students faces. But this is not what surprises me, what does is that Mr. I'm all that here next to me hasn't said a word since he came in. He does occasionally steals a glance in my direction, but if he's expecting me to say anything he's seriously mistaken. I don't have anything to say to him. After another ten minutes of our teacher rambling about his personal life Nicolas decides he has enough of the silence between us. He taps my shoulder to gain my attention but I keep ignoring him. He sighs an lets his head fall in his hands. Ok this is not normal, well at least not for him he is a cocky bastard with an ego larger than the Empire State Building, why the hell does he looks so defeated and desperate. My conclusion NOT NORMAL and this does strike my attention. I pause my song, pull down my headphone so it's now hanging around my neck and I turn towards him. He notices my movements and takes this as a sign to say something.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry." Ok this I did not expect. I was shocked to say the least and I guess my shock was clear on my face since I could bitterly feel my eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"W-what did you just say?" He sighed and looked down at his hands. Was he nervous?

"I know you heard me." It was nothing but a whisper and still I caught it.

"Yes, I did hear you but I can't believe you're apologizing." Now he did look at me.

"So just because I'm the bad boy I can't apologize!?" His voice was firmer now and I sensed he was slightly hurt by my words. Wow this guy has other feelings than his own pride. I unconsciously places a hand on his to calm him down and I guess it worked because I saw his muscles relax a bit.

"Shh, its okay, I didn't mean it like that. I just didn't think you were sorry. I don't even know what your apologizing for." Okay maybe I do know or at least I hope it's for his rude behavior this day, but still. And I do realize that it's weird going from hating the guy and planning his murder to grabbing his hand to calm him down. But there was oust something in his eyes that made me compassionate and wanting to help and comfort him, because I know that look all to well. It's that look I get when I feel mentally and emotionally drained. It's a feeling I don't wish upon anyone not even the ones I dislike.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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