Part 4

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When I entered the cafeteria I saw Margreth engulfed in her work since it was almost lunchtime, which means that in a few minutes this place is going to be crawling with hungry, impatient teenagers. "Hi Margret" I smiled at her. She looked up from the food and smiled back at me."Oh, hi sweetie I didn't see you there. Here's your lunch as usual." She handed me the two sandwiches and smiled warmly although I think I saw something in her eyes that told me she was a little bit sad. "What's wrong?" She seemed startled at my question at first, but then probably remembered it was me she was talking to."How do you always know when something is off?" She let out a nervous laugh. "Lets just say the eyes are most certainly the windows to ones soul. Now care to tell me what's wrong or am I going to have to find out on my own?" I jerked up an eyebrow to prove my point."Oh it's nothing really." She sighed as. If she was thinking about the reason she was sad."If it was really nothing, you wouldn't let it effect you like this." "You're right. It does bother me, but it's simply my mother." "If you don't want to tell me you don't have to. By those words only I can sense where this is going." She smiled at me, grateful that I didn't push her into telling me. I wasn't that kind of person in the first place. If someone doesn't want to tell me what's wrong I don't pressure them. I don't like it when people do it to me so I don't do it to others and I respect their secrets. Everybody is allowed to have them. "Thank you." "No, thank you for this delicious lunch." I smiled and waved at her while saying goodby and slowly leaving the cafeteria to head to the nurses office as the bell went. Once I'm there I notice that Maria our twenty-five year old nurse isn't here yet. I wonder where she is. Doesn't matter really. I place her sandwich on her desk in the corner of the room and go to take a seat in her giant chair, which is extremely comfortable and it's one of those chairs in which you can spin around and feel like a three year old on a sugar high. But who the heck cares about that stuff anyway. I'm allowed to feel like a three year old sometimes. So while I'm waiting for Maria to return from whatever is keeping her from coming here to eat a perfectly delicious lunch with one of the best companies in the world AKA me, I spin around in that chair like a three year old on a sugar high. Very mature I know, but what can is say, I just can't help myself. After another five minutes or so Marie finally walked through the door looking like shit. "What happened to you?" I ask her."You do not want to know." She replies while pulling a hand through her perfect long auburn brown hair. "I do actually, because one" I raise one finger as I say this "you're my friend and I worry about you, two" I raised another finger" you look like shit and three" I raised yet another finger so now I was holding up three fingers "I want to know the son of a bitch who dared to make you feel like crap." I smiled sweetly at her, she let out a laugh at this. "Ok I'll tell you but first get rid of that fake face and after that we eat because I'm starving and then I will tell you." I made a noise that was something between a sigh and a groan in other words I don't think it was normal, but than nothing about is."Fine, but only and only because I'm sick of this" I pointed to my face "and because I need to get some food in that stomach of mine." I said pointing to my belli. After I removed my fake face we started eating in silence both enjoying our meal. Until Maria decides to brake this silence. "And how was you day so far?" Maria asks and I look up to answer her.
"As good as it can go. They haven't pulled a prank on me yet."
"That's good, isn't it?" I sigh
"Yeah, I think but it's only lunchtime. School isn't over just yet." I look back down and continue to eat.
"Have you met my cousin?" I look at her with a questioning look.
"What's his name?"
"Nicolas Del Heron" now I'm completely in shock."Nicolas is your cousin?!" I almost shout
"So I assume you met him"
"Met him, yes I surely did meet him. How on earth can that arrogant annoying bastard be you cousin?!"
"Yep you definitely met him and we all ask that exact same question. How is that boy related to us? We honestly do not know" She laughed a bit at that and my shock only grew.
"You're laughing at that?! Seriously?!" I ask in disbelief "That ashole has been bugging me almost the whole fucking day!" Now I'm most definitely shouting.
"Tessa calm down. I know he's annoying b..." she doesn't get to finish that sentence.
"Annoying is a serious understatement."
"Ok maybe your right b..." And there I go again with my interrupting. "Maybe?!" I look straight at her.
"Ok yes your right, there is no word for how annoying he is." Now I smile a bit "but he's not all bad."
"From what I have experienced. He's lucky to still be alive." Maria laughs.
"Why doesn't that surprise me?" "Seriously I was so close to killing him right there and then. So many fucking times. He's annoying the living shit out of me." Now she was full on laughing
"MARIA! This isn't funny!" I exclaim.
"Yes, yes it is"
"Now I totally see the resemblance." I smile a bit while I roll my eyes. "Now tell me why you look like crap!?" I raised an eyebrow and my words silenced her directly. Maria sighed."Well, it's actually because of Nicolas." "What the hell did that bastard do!" I was really pissed off now. He already annoys the living daylights out of me and know he is de source of Maria's misery."No! Not like that. He didn't do anything, well he did but that's not the reason I look like crap." "Ok then what is?""I'm just stressed out about him going to this school." I had that look on my face that said-please elaborate-. "He just got kicked out a lot of schools and he's not so happy about the whole moving concept, which kinda means he's going to make it even harder on all of us." "Well, I didn't notice that at all."I rolled my eyes. Ps watch the sarcasm in that. This made her laugh."How is possible you can always make me laugh?" "Oh it's a gift." I flipped my hair. She laughed harder at this and I laughed along with her. When we were done laughing I remembered I need to go to my locker to grab some books I need for my next periods. "Hey I'll be right back I just need to get some books out of my locker." I started to stand up and as I turned around Maria said "Ok see you when you get back." After those words I was out the door and heading towards my locker. When I reach my locker I unlock it and carefully open it to check if there is a paint bomb inside and indeed there is. Wow these kids are not original at all. I look around to see if someone's there and when I don't see anyone I disarm the bomb inside my locker, open it, get the bomb out, crack the locker next to mine and place the paint bomb inside of it. I'm grabbing my books when I suddenly feel something hitting the back of my gray sweater and break. I place my books back inside my locker and close it as I feel more things hitting me and exploding after making contact with my back. To see what they are throwing I would have to turn around so I grab to hood of my hoody and pulp it further down my face. I slowly turn around and just as I do an other one of those things hit me and I see it's a paint balloon. Oh they do have originality, well applause, applause. Great this will defiantly ruin my sweater, thank you idiots. But then an idea hits me and I let them color my grey sweater with the colorful paint. They chose quick dry paint so the colors don't really mix. Because I let them hit me with the balloons, not that I have a choice but whatever, I get drenched in paint. Once I don't feel any other balloons hit me and everyone laughing while taking pictures I open my locker again, grab my books and textile markers and head back to the nurses office.

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