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"Hey David!" I said walking up to him

"Hey, how was your flight?" He asked hugging me

"It was fine." I replied

"So what did you do to get kicked out?" He asked

"Mom found my stash of liquor." I laughed

"Really?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"Yup." I said laughing a little harder.

"Well, its good seeing you again, so wanna get to the apartment?" David asked

"Yeah, lets go."I said

The drive was pretty boring, lots of traffic and horns honking.

Once we got to the apartment David unlocked the door and let us in.

"This place is nice." I said walking in with my bags.

"Yeah, we try to keep it that way."

"It smells like weed in here." I said

"Yeah, thats Dom." David said

"You think he has any extra?" I asked

"Probably, you'll need to ask him." David said, I could tell he mentally face palmed

"Just... Be carful, okay?" he said

"Dont worry I will, it must be hard to watch your little sister do this shit." I said

"Why what do you mean?" He asked

"Well, I didn't tell you the whole reason why mom kicked me out." I said

"She really kicked me out because, I almost went to jail for underaged drinking and smoking weed." I said

"Lex, You gotta be more carful with that." He said, this time face palming

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get caught, it just kind of happened." I said giggling a little

"So where can I set my shit?" I asked

"You can leave it in my room if you want. Down the hall, last room." David said pointing to the hall way

"K thanks." I said

I walked down the Davids room and chucked my bags onto the floor, and as I walked out of Davids room, Some one walked out of the room across from him.

"Hey, You must me Davids sister.. I'm Dom." He smiled


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