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*1 month later*

I was at work and this time Dom decided to come with.

I had gone to grab more shot glasses from the back, when I came out I dropped the glasses and ran out.

My co-worker came after me

"Hey, Lex where are you going?" She asked

"Im sorry, can you cover me?." I asked tears falling form my eyes

"Yeah, but what do i tell them about the broken glasses?" She asked

"Just tell them to take it out of my pay." I said

"Ok." She said and walked back inside.

David pov

I was at the apartment editing the vlog when I got a text.

Dom: David...

David: Hey bro, whats up?

Dom: I messed up.

Dom: I messed up big time.

David: Why?

David: What happened?

Dom: Lex, saw another girl kissing me.

Dom: I tried to push her off.

David: Is she okay?

David: Where is she??

Dom: I.. I dont know.

Dom: She ran out.

David: Ok, look. Ill try to find her, you just come back to the apartment

Dom: Pleases just find her and tell me she's safe.

David: I will.

Dom: I messed up

I grabbed my keys and ran out the door.

Lex pov

I was sitting outback crying, I knew I couldn't face him anytime soon and I needed a place to stay. So I texted to only other person that came to mind. Toddy.

Lex: Toddy?

Todd: Yeah?

Lex: Can you come pick me up?

Todd: Why? Are you alright?

Lex: Just come get me. Ill explain when you get here.

Todd: Where are you?

Lex: Work.

I put my phone in my pocket. soon after I got a text, I pulled my phone out and looked at it.

D: Lex

D: Where are you

L: Nowhere. Why?

D: Dom told me what happened


D:He said he was sorry, he messed up

D:And that hr tried to push he off.

L: Yeah it really looked like that when he was the one to make out with her in the corner.

D: I..I didn't know.. I'm sorry.

D: Just come home

L: Im sorry David, i just cant right now.

D: Please?

D: I need to know if you're okay.

L: David. Im fine.

I knew David was worried about me but I cant go back there. I need time.

Toddy pulled up not too long after I stopped replying to David.

I got in, and we began to drive off.

"Lex, are you okay?" Todd asked looking over at me then back to the road

"No." I said wiping a tear away

"Do you want me to take you back to davids?" He asked

"No!." I said loudly "no.." I whispered

"Its okay. I can take you back to my place." He said

"Could you? please." I said

"Yeah, of course." He smiled at me

"Thank you." I sighed."

On the way back I didn't really talk I just wiped the tears away. by the time we got to Todd's I had stopped crying.

we sat in the living room on the couch, I saw with my face in my hands.

"Hey, Todd." Scott said walking out "Oh hey, lex. everything okay?" Scotty asked

"No." I said quietly.

"What happened?" He asked sitting down

"Dom happened." I said

"Oh." Scott said quietly, Todd got up and told Scotty what happened in the hall way.

When they both walked in Scott walked over to me and hugged me.


"Hey, do you guys think it would be okay, if I stayed here for a couple of days?" I asked

"Yeah." They nodded

"Thank you. and please.. don't tell David." I said

"Does he know?" They asked

"No. I don't want him to. I told him I'm fine, its just i don't wanna go back there right now." I said

"Thats fine, you don't have to." Todd said

"do you guys and any extra blankets?" I asked

"Yeah. here." Scott said opening the closet he was standing next to

"Thanks." I fake smiled and grabbed one.

"I think I'm just going to go to sleep." I said and took the blanket to the couch.

"You don't need to sleep on the couch.. you can bunk with Todd." Scott said, I looked over to todd who was blushing a little.

"Uh. Yeah." Todd said scratching the back of his neck

"If you don't mind." I said

"Nah, no prob." He said.

Todd pov

Lex went down to my room with the blanket.

"there you go." Scott smiled at me

"Really dude."

"Well, you like her." He said

"Yeah, but she's still with dom." I said looking down

"From what happened tonight, I don't think so buddy."

"If I would have grew a pair, she wouldn't have to go through this." I said angry with myself

"Well, maybe after all this could down you can treat her right." Scott said grabbing my shoulder.

"Yeah... Maybe." I said, Scott nodded and walked back to his room.

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