Mysterious Encounter

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You could never judge a book by it's cover. It was an old saying but no less true. I had gone through my life being wooed by beauty and little else. Beauty could be vacuous, without meaning in the real world. I was looking for something - someone - with more substance. It was an endless search that bore very little fruit. I was getting bored with the whole thing. I needed someone to enrich me and fill my life with more poetry and meaning. That person was going to come out of nowhere. I never saw him coming toward me. He all but landed right on top of me. So much for searching. Sometimes in life, things can happen which change us forever but have no real explanation. They are the magic moments that encapsulate life. I was about to experience my own magic... because of him.

It started at a party in a grand ballroom. I was there alone. I was travelling between cities and it seemed like a good place to go at the time. Regardless of the opulence and beauty of my surroundings, I was still bored. I swanned around fountains and ornately carved statues trying to disguise my boredom and sipping my ice cold vodka. The decor of the room was Gold and Purple and an army of wealthy strangers littered its space. This was a charity benefit gala that could do with a little more action. Then, I spotted a man sitting in a corner, looking as bored as I was. He looked rather too young for me but he was incredibly beautiful. I could tell even from this distance. He sat in an artfully elegant way, slouching a little in his low armchair. He wore a loose white shirt over a longer black jacket - not formal but very chic all the same. The black silken pants stopped just above his ankle and I could see a pair of buckled boots on his feet, almost punk but it was a style you could get away with in a place like this. I made a sudden, perhaps rash decision to go over and speak to him. 'Break the boredom!' I challenged myself 'Do it now!'  As I boldly sauntered over, my mind darted through every possible scenario. Perhaps he was gay. There were many beautiful men in this world who were unattainable to a girl like me for this reason. Perhaps he was here with someone else. How could someone so beautiful be without a partner? It was now too late to change my mind. I stood before him with an expectant smile on my face. He looked up at me almost reluctantly and I was greeted by a pair of enormous, incredibly blue eyes. I suddenly felt ridiculous. I should just make my excuses and leave, put the blame on a momentary insanity. But I was committed now. It was like being on a roller coaster - I could not stop myself and the words tumbled out of my mouth in a stammer...

"W-would you like to dance?"

There was a pause. He seemed to hold my gaze for the longest time. Then he spoke, his voice was smooth and warm, like honey in whisky. It's tone reflected the place from whence he came, in the American heartland. It only took a single word to grab my attention. 


A moment later, we were on the dancefloor. Don't blow this now, I told myself. I had to act cool, nonchalant. I could feel the flat of his stomach brushing against mine. I had the sense that the body beneath that fine silk was very toned and muscular indeed. We swayed gently back and forth. My face was close to his neck. I got a whiff of his scent - it was musky and sweet but as masculine as any scent I had breathed before. I felt a twitch, a contraction deep inside me when his scent enveloped me. Desire. Lust. Call it what you will. Shame on me. I already wanted him.

"You smell nice..." I murmured in compliment. Jesus, how lame could I be? I cringed at my own awkwardness.

"So do you." He replied in that same low sexy voice. "What's your name?"


He seemed to approve. "Hmm. Pretty. I like that name."

"What about you?" I asked. "What's your name?"

We disengaged from each other briefly and he looked into my eyes. It was startling and unsettling but also incredibly erotic.

"Ah... You must read the celebrity columns right? Are you familiar with music, with film?"

I was perplexed. Why was he being so cagey? Was he a serial killer or something? I looked again at his beautiful face and frowned. God, girl - wake up! I knew I knew him but, then again, perhaps I did not.

As we puzzled over each other's identity, we had almost stopped dancing. We began to move again and I was now feeling overwhelmed. I decided to try and make light of the situation. "Oh, are you trying to be enigmatic then..?"

He threw his head back slightly and laughed, a low boyish chuckle. I would soon find out that he had a wicked sense of humour - he was extremely playful. "Oh, I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you." Another joke. His face softened to become more serious. "It's Jared."

We danced on in silence. My mind raced, full of disbelief and excitement. Jared Leto? Seriously? How the hell had this happened? I was feeling dizzy even though we were hardly moving. His presence, his closeness - I was becoming intoxicated by him. He had a light that emanated from his entire being, an aura. My desire had been asleep for what felt like an eternity. But what about him? What did he think of all this? 

"You're very quiet. What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Oh, I was just wondering what you taste like..."

He spoke the words as if he were ordering from a waiter - nonchalant and calm. I broke away from his arms slightly and stared at him in amazement again. His bravura was audacious. He had a confidence which was incredibly sexual.

"I have a room upstairs in this amazing hotel." He said with eyes smiling and lips gently pouting. "Would you like to...?"

I didn't even let him finish before I was pulling him towards a flight of spiral stairs which led to the upstairs suites. We didn't even make it to the room itself. Before we reached the door, we fell against the wall in a hot open mouthed kiss. My hands were everywhere, trying to feel all of him at once. The way he kissed was incredibly hot and the erotic pleasure swirled around us before a bed was even in sight. I had rarely felt such anticipation of being with a man in my life, of discovering what he looked like naked. I couldn't wait until we were alone, behind closed doors where we could fall into each other and surrender to the moment of being together in such a blissfully sexual and intimate way...

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