Mysterious Encounter Part 6

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Jared was pacing the floor of the bedroom in a seemingly profound state of agitation. The time on the clock by the bed told me it was nearly 1 am. That benefit we had been attending had long been forgotten. I imagined Jared may have been missed by the other attendees. I would not have been. I had just purloined a ticket by sheer chance. He did not seem tired as he strode back and forth in a circle around the bed. His whole demeanour was that of a caged Lion. I have to say I knew how he felt. His story was only just beginning to take shape and my imagination had been sparked to the extent that I was desperate to hear more, to have him finish his tale. More than this, as he stalked around the room he was stark naked which obviously inflamed my desire still further. I fervently wanted him to get back into bed with me, so I could feel the silken warmth of his skin against mine.... so I could feel him. Instead, I tried to placate him and woo him back to a calm and settled state.

"What is it Jared? Has something upset you?"

He glanced up at me sharply as if he had jerked out of a reverie. He waved a dismissive hand and shook his head rapidly. "No, no.... I'm trying to remember something... about Loranna.... she had an ulterior motive for me and the others... she wanted..."

His voice trailed off and his eyes went blank again. Exasperated by his own lack of memory, he fell back down onto the bed, sitting on its edge in a tense way. I took the opportunity to immediately go to him, wrap my arms around his shoulders and bury my face in the curve of his neck and the thick waves of his hair. His scent was powerful yet subtle and sweet - it made me go weak at the knees. His shoulders were tense and the muscles in his back were hard and unyielding. I massaged his shoulders gently which had a slightly calming effect. 

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember..." I mumbled sleepily. "I just want you..."

Jared didn't snap but he was abrupt all the same. "It does matter. You need to hear this story. It's important, to me, to us..."

He was still distracted as he fell back against the pillows and I went with him. This Loranna woman was like a ghost who stood between us. Maybe it was better if he could remember so we could banish her for good.

"She just wanted power and control..." He said in a low whisper. "It was never about love and yet I... I was drawn towards her as if she had some kind of supernatural power... it was intoxicating..."

"Dreams can affect us in strange ways..." I whispered. I had not meant for these words to be spoken out loud.

Jared turned his head toward me sharply, his eyes wide with shock. "You don't believe me do you? OK, tomorrow I will take you there. We will charter a plane and fly down to that damn island so I can show you exactly what I mean."

"I do believe you!" I cried. "I just cannot imagine these people, this cult you speak of..."

"Oh, you have so much else to do tomorrow that you cannot accompany me?" He said in a terse voice.

I shook my head dumbly. I didn't want to fight. Arguments were no great pre-cursor for lovemaking. Besides, I knew I would go to the ends of the earth with him or for him regardless of what I had planned.

He turned away again and resumed staring at the ceiling. Clearly, he was remembering something from his adventure. He allowed me to rest on his shoulder, curved into his body and , in a low whisper, he resumed his tale.

Darkness had fallen over the ancient stone temple in this distant land and a brilliant moon was high in the sky. Loranna was about to allow an initiation ceremony to begin. It was a ceremony that was conducted for every new 'member' of the group, regardless of whether they would become a leader or a follower.  Jared stood in a stone circle, surrounded by 'hooded ones' and Loranna sat above them all, looking on with imperious satisfaction. A riot of emotion was thundering through him. If he had access to a pen and paper right now, he would be writing like a demon. This kind of experience wrote itself for any rock song. Nevertheless, he had no intention of sacrificing himself so violently for the sake of his art. He wanted to know more about this woman Loranna but no specific details were being shared. She had her eyes fixed on him and he could only stare back at her, a sense of loathing mingling with his desire for her. The cuffs around his wrists were biting into his skin a little. No pain, no gain, he thought with a measure of ironic amusement. At least his wrists being tied was the only adherence to S&M practice... so far. Torches burned on the stone walls of the temple chamber. They burned so brightly that they obscured his vision but he was just about able to see her expression change very slightly as a discreet order was given to a hooded one. He leaned in to listen to her words, nodded solemnly then walked away. Jared was losing patience with this three ringed circus.

"Just tell me what the hell do you people want?!" He exclaimed.

Loranna all but laughed at his emotional outburst. "You know exactly what we want - you." She replied.

For Jared, this was no answer. It only provoked more questions."Yes but why?" He persisted.

Before anyone could answer, Jared detected a presence behind him. The man or woman enshrouded in the hooded cloak who had spoken to Loranna only a moment ago had approached with intent, acting on orders silently given by the Mistress. 

Jared felt the invisible man grab a fistful of his black silken hair and jerk his head backwards. A soft gloved hand gently but coldly caressed his exposed throat.  There was a sense of possession and command at his touch that was strangely thrilling. Was this another expression of desire or something else? Loranna asked her soldier to back off slightly, stating a reminder that this was not why Jared had been brought here. It was not the only reason but anyway , who was to stop them enjoying him while he was in their presence? The hooded soldier reluctantly released him and retreated into the shadows. It was at this moment that Jared heard the words  in his mind. Whether these words came from his own imagination or whether this was something that the cult wished him to hear, he could not say.

'Enemy of mine

I'll fuck you like the devil

Violent inside

Beautiful and evil...'

Suddenly, Jared jerked in my arms as if waking suddenly from a deep sleep. What was it about his experience with this cult that made him forget not only their intentions but what they wanted from him? I was a little fearful that the answer would be something from a nightmare and not a dream. This man I had fallen in love with so quickly, I had a deep need to protect him. There was nothing I wanted more now than to silence this bitch Loranna who was holding my lover in a vice like grip while she dragged him away from me, at least, in a metaphorical sense. Perhaps this story was pure fiction but the way he told this story to me, it did not seem so. We needed to go to the island. Yes, I would go there with him and we would unravel this mystery for once and for all. Right now, there was a different order of business. I kissed him and embraced him...

"Please... let me love you... let me show you how much I love you..." I whispered, an urgent plea from my soul to his.

Despite his restless impatience of before, he softly and willingly allowed me to envelope his body in a caressing embrace. I would kiss him all over now, memorising each curve and slope of his body, the scent of him alive in my senses. Such had been my anticipation to lose myself in him, I was already wet. The kisses and stroking touches against his cock ensured he would soon be ready to receive me. We intertwined and kissed and breathed our desires into each other's spiritual centres, creating a union of such perfect intimacy it was beyond anything I had dreamt of before. I fixed my eyes deeply on his and rose up so I crouched on his hips.... then, our rocking bodies simulated the ebb and flow of an endless ocean, back and forth, back and forth. He was hilt deep and I felt every glorious inch of him fill me to the brim with pleasure. Eyes locked, we would come together, orgasms clashing and colliding with loud and riotous desire. I could not know it then but another song lyric had formed in Jared's mind: There is a fire inside of this heart and a riot about to explode into flames... Oh, I felt him. Felt his words and his passion and his need and I could not conceive of another day lived without him. 

Dawn was approaching. The new day would bring a new phase of our adventure and perhaps we would unravel the mystery of the cult and the island. As long as it meant I would stay with Jared, I for one could not wait. 


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