Mysterious Encounter Part 3

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The words he had softly spoken had piqued my interest... and my desire. Who was this 'Loranna' and what did she want with my beloved? Yes, I could call him that already. I did not need to wait any longer to know I was in love with him. I also knew I was in a completely new territory. I had never wanted a man as much as this, at least, not for what felt like an age. I gently shifted position so I lay on top of him. His skin was pale but very soft, the black tattoos on his arms and chest in stark contrast to the opalescence of his flesh. His scent was subtle and musky, an indistinct yet erotic and potent aroma. I looked down at his remarkable and beautiful face. His enormous and deep blue eyes drew me in inexorably so I actually felt like I was falling in to them, falling into him. He gave me a soft, gentle but expectant smile. He spoke but his voice was very low, very husky...

"What do you want?"

There was only one answer.


He seemed to find that answer rather amusing. Was he also being coy as he turned his head to one side, a broad smile on his beautiful face? I slid my hands down the sides of his body until they had reached his hips. I grabbed them, angular bone beneath the silken flesh and squeezed hard.

"Oh.... are you going to be a bad girl? I thought you wanted to hear the rest of my story?" He sounded like a petulant child in the playful and teasing tone of his voice but he lost none of his sexual appeal. The feeling of lust was growing stronger and stronger in me.

My hands were in his hair now. His thick and glossy hair, fragrant and shiny, a dark chestnut in colour. I pulled at it a little, his head arching backwards against the pillow. I buried my face in the curve of his throat, his scent very strong here. His short beard scratched lightly at my skin. I wanted desperately to feel... FEEL HIM. He invited a kiss, deep and probing, our tongues intertwined, hot and wet. The taste of him was sublime and intoxicating. I was suddenly aware of his hips pushing up against mine. I could feel his thick and wiry black pubic hair savagely grazing my pussy, grinding until the sweat was dripping from the hair and skin of each of us. Now all I wanted was to hear him gasp and sigh. Was he as aroused as me? At this moment, I could only sense his hardness. Very quickly, he had risen up and swung us both around so he had become the one on top. No, he wasn't innocent. His deep blue eyes had grown darker in his passion and he growled, a low predatory sound. I was startled.


"Shhhh..." He whispered, his breath hot against my cheek. "I know you want me. I'll let you have me... if you're a good girl. We don't want to rush this... I should tell you more of my story..."

My desire was such that I no longer really cared about his story. Perhaps that was a little harsh. If this event truly occurred and it was important to him and the way he felt or acted in his life, then I should give that story the respect it deserved. In truth, I didn't know what to do with myself. Love and lust was overwhelming me but I sensed that he wanted to hold back, tease a little more. He knew of his power, to a degree. It probably gave him an odd thrill, a kick to dole out or deny his gifts as he pleased. His body was like a drug for me. There was so much rich pleasure on offer and I wanted it all at once. So greedy but who in the hell cared? My hands were in his hair again as we kissed passionately.

"Jared, please..." I whispered. "Don't hold back. Let me have all of you..."

I reached for him, reached for his lips, hungry to kiss and hold him as before. My arms circled around the cool skin of his torso, velvet and silken, too tempting.  I was trembling all over but I would do anything he asked. No, Jared was nobody's slave. He had never been so. He was the one with all the power and it was a devastatingly sexual weapon.

Was I simply waiting for him to be inside me? For the longest time, I had been closed off, not connecting with anyone, be they male or female. It was not intentional. It was a matter of experience - life had not been as straight forward as I dreamed it would be as a girl. Now, with him, I was wide open, ready to experience him and any other riches life may be able to offer. I was quickly learning that Jared was unlike any other man. His tender gentleness spoke of a man who most definitely had a feminine side... but he was totally masculine at the same time. I knew for a fact that other men would not hesitate to 'ram it in' in similar circumstances. Not so with Jared and the irony was that I wanted him to do just that. Pleasure rose again and again. In a desperate bid to get what I wanted, I grabbed a firm but gentle hold on his cock, pulling him and his cock towards me. 

"Hey, steady on girl..!" Jared whispered in a light, almost jokey voice. He didn't withdraw from me but neither did he allow me to pull him any further.

I just stared at him in hungry disbelief. "Please... you can't....!"

He placed a finger on my lips, shhing me and attempting to soothe me. "I swear there's plenty of time for this, all of it." He wrapped a gentle fist around his own erect cock. "Think this is going away any time soon? I can keep this up for an age baby..."

Whether his words were boasting or a fact, I neither knew or cared. For the first time in a sexual relationship, his desire was secondary to mine and if I couldn't completely have him soon, there was a very real danger that I would physically explode. Being a woman, my desire was more subtle and elusive than his. He could command a moment of pleasure at a whim. If I was to attain that tumultuous erotic release, I would need constant persuasion and coercion. Perhaps it would be different with him? There was every suggestion that he could turn me on just by showing me that glint in his eye or giving me that cute little-boy smile. Shit, he could excite me just by uttering one carefully chosen word! He was the one in control. All control had evaded me.

He slid off to one side so we lay parallel to each other, whilst our bodies still touched. The sensation of his skin stroking against mine inflamed my senses with intense ferocity. I didn't want him to go anywhere and thankfully he remained close, his scent still invading my senses. He lay on his side so he could easily face me. On the side of my hip, I could feel the damp bristles of his wiry pubic hair with the hot flesh beneath. I took a deep breath and reminded myself to stay calm. The longer I remained with him, the better and, if we fucked now it could be over too soon. He spoke in a soft low whisper...

"So... you wanna hear more of my story?"

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