Mysterious Encounter

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I was just an ordinary girl falling in love with an extraordinary man, that was the way it seemed. But my whole life I had been searching for a man to love who was extraordinary to me. When I was younger, I didn't fully understand what this meant. All I knew was I wanted to steer clear or anything mundane. A man had to 'have an edge' or be a bit weird before I'd pay him any attention. Not for me those muscle-bound men who filled the pages of health magazines. A Vin Diesel look-a-like was not on my list. No, a man had to have a ton of personality and intelligence for me to take notice. It would also be a plus if he was funny and romantic with a deeply sensuous nature.

Hey, I wasn't too picky was I? But miraculously, Jared seemed to fit the bill exactly and I had bumped into him entirely by accident. I was never normally this lucky. Being with him, I felt a strange mix of euphoria and caution. Could it be possible that he was too perfect? I sensed that Jared would baulk at being called 'perfect' but there was something about him that begged the frequent use of that word. I knew the way life worked. Something had to happen to disrupt this pleasure and happiness... I just had no idea what it might be so I was constantly on my guard. On the other hand, I also did not want any fear to plague my precious time with him.

The lovemaking in that tiny aeroplane bedroom was less awkward than I would have expected. It was like that fantasy of being with him in a tent or a phone booth - the size of the room meant we were stitched together. We had no choice. If we hadn't stayed in each others arms, one of us would have fallen out of bed and incurred a bad injury. I wasn't complaining. One of the things that turned me on the most about him was his skin - it was like porcelain and very very soft. Also, I was enraptured by the scent of his hair. It was very sweet and fruity and I felt compelled to grab a handful and bury my face in it. These little things added an extra facet of excitement to the whole thing for me. In some ways, I was too overwhelmed with emotion and passion to memorise every little detail of how it was to be with him like this. I could not remember entirely the way his large hands gently caressed me. Oh, and that was another thing! His hands were sexy too with long fingers that squared off at the fingertip. His hands were much like everything else about him - unusual but fascinating and beautiful. His hands were very expressive and seemed to be a fount for his creativity. I was in the middle of focussing on tenderly kissing the curve of his neck beneath his ear when there came a short knock on the door.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but we will be landing in Hamilton in about 20 minutes." An awkward sounding voice said.

I disengaged slightly from him and breathed deeply. God, I had almost forgotten we were actually on a plane! I hoped we hadn't been too noisy in our tryst. I looked at Jared. His heavy lidded eyes were half closed, a bright ocean blue sparkled beneath a veil of impossibly long eyelashes. He looked as though he were about to fall asleep. Had he even heard the stewardess?

"Baby..?" I softly blew on his cheek.

"Huh...?" His eyes snapped open then. He yawned once and looked at me. "What is it?"

"We're about to land in a place called Hamilton apparently..."

"Oh. OK." He rolled over and began rearranging his clothes. It had been a time when we had not got fully naked and all we needed to do was pull our clothes back into a semblance of order.

"Where is Hamilton?" I asked as I did up my blouse.

Jared smiled at me indulgently. "It's the capital of Bermuda sweetheart."

"I thought we were going to your island?"

"We are. The island is about 50 miles off the coast of Bermuda. We might have to persuade some fishermen to take us out there. Not many people are willing to go too close. There is a rumour that it is the cause of the Bermuda Triangle... a BIG rumour though."

"How did you come to be there the last time?"

Jared paused with his hand on the door handle. He thought for a moment. "I am not sure about that either. It was a 'Burning Man' Festival moment. I might have taken something and somehow ended up there..." He shrugged and sighed. "My hope is that once I see this place, I will remember it all."

I smiled tenderly at him and followed him out into the cabin. The plane was already nosing down into a descending pattern and the stewardess was keen to get us seated. I noticed that a pamphlet had been tucked into the pouch in the back of the seat in front of me. I picked it up and it had a picturesque picture of the port.

"Hamilton is the capital city of Bermuda, a British island territory in the North Atlantic. Along the harbour, Front Street features pastel-coloured colonial buildings and high-end shops. The stone Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity has a tower with city views. The Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute offers ocean discovery exhibits. Northeast is the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo, home to sharks and turtles."

It sounded like a fun place to take a vacation but something told me this was going to be a lot more than that.

A few minutes later, we landed on the tiny little air strip. On exiting the plane, a fresh but warm breeze blew in my face awaking me from my sleepiness after the exertions of before. He took my hand and led me over to a waiting car. That night, we would stay in a private rented apartment and dine together. The local speciality in terms of cuisine was obviously seafood. I indulged in a salmon dish but, as Jared generally tried to stick to his vegetarianism, he had a traditional dish which included potatoes, peas and rice with a tomato-onion sauce. Later that night there would be more lovemaking. I decided I could seriously get used to this. At this moment, with him, this was the best vacation I could have ever dreamed of and it was the last thing in my life that I was expecting. Would a different 'tale of the unexpected' emerge to take us on a whole new journey? This was on my mind as I began to fall asleep at his side, lulled into unconsciousness by the sound of his breathing and heartbeat. My anxiety was fading fast even as the uncertainty grew. I cared about nothing more than being with him. 

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