Mysterious Encounter Part 4

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I was going to have to put my own lustful thoughts on the literal back burner and allow Jared his whim of telling me this tale. He began with an impassive face but his eyes sparkled. It was difficult for me to gage at this stage if it were a dream or a nightmare. With the same creative spark with which he birthed a song or a fictional character in a movie, he was able to conjure such clear images in my mind, it was almost startling. His gift at story-telling in this way was truly profound. I was taken to another place entirely as the mellow sound of his voice lulled me into a totally relaxed state. As ever, the desire for him was present as always. Like the low level hum of a grinding machine, it lurked in the background of my psyche waiting for the opportune moment to pounce once again.

The visions of this strange land that my lover had wandered through were coming alive in my imagination. I saw a seemingly endless expanse of deep, dark blue water which ultimately led to this mountainous volcanic island. Mysterious creatures would dwell here. It was primal and lurid. It's entire mass spoke of an exotic and dangerous history. But it was the land with no name. It did not seem to exist on any map... so how had he come to be here? 

He told me his visit was suggested by a record company executive at a party in New York. Ever the curious inquisitor, Jared had a window of opportunity to take up the offer - besides, he needed a vacation. It was a 13 hour flight from a private air strip to reach this place in the middle of nowhere - out in a vast expanse of ocean. It was barren but suggested a vivid life beyond what the eye could see. Did he want to be here? Was he scared, excited or intrigued? The story asked me to make up my own mind about this. At least here, the air was warm and soft and there was no iciness in the wind that blew in from the roiling ocean beneath the rocky cliffs. Maybe it was why they chose this place, this cult or whoever the hell they were. The natural warmth would encourage their inclinations towards erotic experimentation.

From the moment he was led from the boat up onto dry land, clambering up the cliff face to reach the supposedly ancient edifice of the group's 'headquarters', Jared knew he had been brought here for a very salient and serious reason. Anyone that came here was an 'acquisition', someone to be tamed or controlled for the group's own higher purpose. The word 'slave' was never used. This word spoke of dark forces that were far more evil than anything this group aspired to. It was only natural that the leader was a woman. Loranna had a regal presence but it was obvious that she had no high class breeding ... she was too animal for that. She had a vacant look in her eye but it was clear that she possessed great intelligence and passion. She took one look at Jared and knew that she wanted him for purely pleasurable and primal reasons. It was within her jurisdiction to claim such a prize. Nobody would deny her. And as Jared looked back at her, her cold beauty was enough to seduce him in a purely sexual sense. She fascinated him and, likewise, he fascinated her. He had a thousand questions but not least what was her group's sole purpose in the world? What did they aspire to? He needed all of his questions answered and answered soon.

A gang of several men in long dark cloaks with hoods had gathered around him to guide him to the 'Temple'. Jared assumed they were men because, within the dark space of the hood, their faces could not be seen. In accordance with the law of this cult, the temple was where his "sins" could be confessed and redemption offered. The men in the long hooded cloaks were the most eerily sinister creatures here. They did not need to speak to give their orders. There was a silent implication that he just had to follow them and they would steer him toward the place he needed to be. He followed 'the hooded ones' down a short sloping path and through a large square door that had ornate carvings around its frame. Within was the temple. The air was humid as he ventured into this cracked stone edifice and he could smell a damp musky scent in the air, like seaweed mingled with exotic incense. His eyes widened with wonder as he found himself in a wide circular space that seemed to have been carved out of the living rock of the island. The hooded ones circled tighter around him as if there was a danger he might try and run for escape. Loranna held court at the far end of the temple with her animal companions, big cats and silver wolves that looked as though they would kill at her command. She looked up from her petting of a wolf to see Jared standing before her. She smiled at him with great self satisfaction. Her words indicated that his arrival was expected.

"You are here at last."

"Where is here?" He snapped back, keeping his voice firm and to-the-point. He didn't want there to be any bullshit after he had come all this way and invested his precious time.

"Here is nowhere." Loranna replied with an airy insouciance. "Here is everywhere."

His large green blue eyes narrowed with suspicion at her vague and maddening response. He didn't want to be considered gullible but the whole ambience of this place was more intoxicating in a luridly sexual way than any other place he had been to. Loranna seemed to think that no further explanation was needed. His presence here was all the explanation SHE needed. To be with him here was what she had been waiting and hoping for, for the longest time. She stepped towards him and reached out to touch him, gently examining the tattoos on his body, tracing her fingertips over the black inked lines in silent fascination. Jared let her do this without flinching, watching her like a Lion watching a Snake. He certainly could not trust her at this point. Suddenly, he realised he was quickly beginning to feel something else... a wave of delicate erotic pleasure washed over him. He closed his eyes briefly and wondered if he had misjudged those who existed in this place... perhaps it was the land that everyone dreamed of? The place where all dreams and fantasies could be brought to life and played with, as if life itself were a playground of the senses. Loranna's fingertips trailed away from his skin with a tangible reluctance.

"Your skin is perfect." She commented in a cool sensuous voice. "You are very beautiful Jared. I knew you would be..."

A small discreet nod to her hooded entourage was all that was needed for the next event to occur. They formed a tight circle around him, uttering low repetitive chants that rose and rose from whispers to a roar. The sound filled the empty stone chamber of the temple, echoing as it became a cacophony of sound, the purest expression of passion there could be.

Loranna nodded again and, as the chanting dissipated, one of the company found it necessary to remove his clothes. A fine white silk shirt was easy to dispose of. The rip and shredding tear of the coarse black fabric of his jeans issued for a moment and then the task was done. The 'hooded ones' parted to reveal him to Loranna's gaze. Her eyes reflected her swiftly rising desire at the sight of him. She allowed herself a long moment to drink him in, seductive eyes scoping the length and breadth of his body. Her smile of approval allowed the 'hooded ones' to approach him bearing handcuffs, leather restraints and a blindfold. Jared would have laughed but this joke was wearing thin. He had seen it a million times in places far more evolved than this dim and distant island. Hell, he had even used it himself as inspiration for a video for his band. Even so, a mild fear threatened to overcome his curious state but he did not lose the rising sap of his sexual desire. He glared at Loranna, raising his voice to a yell as he was bundled away to another part of the temple, the 'hooded ones' pushing him along in an impatient and aggressive way...

"You think this is what I want??? You think this is what I dream of???" He yelled over his shoulder as if to thwart whatever idea this crazy chick Loranna had in mind. 

Loranna may have heard him but she offered no reply. A 'hooded one' to his right was the only one who took it upon himself to offer any kind of explanation.

"The mistress has exercised her will. You belong to her now. It will be better for you if you do not resist her. This is the only path that will lead to erotic fulfilment. Resistance will only lead to pain."

Jared heard his words but his resolve had not been diminished. He was angry but only angry at himself and the guy that compelled him to travel here.  Fucking record executives!! He should have known better than to trust any of them. What an idiot he had been. It was the word 'pain' that set the alarm bells ringing in his mind. He resolved that nobody would take away his freedom regardless of their threats. He would find a resolution, an escape from this wild and darkly beautiful place as soon as he could. It was not offering him the purest interpretation of his dreams or his creative imagination as he hoped it would. But then, dreams were always open to subjective exploitation and presentation. A dream could change and transform from one moment to the next. Jared was determined that his dream would not be tampered with as this part of him was sacrosanct. 

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