Mysterious Encounter Part 2

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I did not see the elaborate decor of the room that we now tumbled into. I was too busy losing myself in him and the passionate kisses we shared. I could almost not give a damn that he was famous. Girls gravitated towards him because he was famous and beautiful. He probably had to beat them off with a stick. Crazy... crazy that I should find myself with him in a way most women only dared to dream. I dreamed big but this dream was more than that. It was astounding.

Clothes were being hastily shed. His body was skinny but lithe and muscular. Sexy and hot were words that were invented for him.  I could feel myself trembling with the anticipation of my desire as we fell onto the bed. We kept kissing passionately for a moment, his lips were soft and sweet, but then he stopped... I stared into his huge blue eyes. God no! Don't stop now! I was about to explode with pleasure and desire. Even so he seemed preoccupied. It looked as though he had a story of his own to tell.

"What is it?" I asked fervently, softly brushing my fingertips against his lips repeatedly.

"Something happened... about a year ago that changed me..." His voice was barely above a whisper.


Silence again. I moved closer to him, pressing myself against him so I could feel every sinew, every bone and muscle of his sleek and sensual frame. He shook his head and gave me a boyish, mischievous smile. He wasn't playing games with me. He was just being coy. I kissed his neck. He tasted both salty and sweet. He gave a sigh and lowered himself more deeply down under the bed sheets.

"I was drawn into this strange cult for about 7 weeks. I always like to experiment and it was this that led to the danger I found myself in. The members of this cult drew me in so easily." His voice trailed off again.

"AND..?" I pressed closer against him, using all my powers to extract more information from him. I was still lust ridden but now I had to know what he was going to say.

He began to paint a picture with carefully chosen words. A distant island with high cliffs.... at the top of those cliffs stood a temple carved out of stone. The members of this cult resided within its ancient walls and it's leader was a powerful supernatural creature, a woman with a penchant for sexual violence and control... a dominatrix... The image of the woman he conjured in my mind alarmed me. What was she intending to do and what repercussions could it potentially have? Could I already say that I was in love and, no, I did not want to see him hurt. He was still talking in a low sensuous voice so I felt I had to allow him to continue, if only to hear him speak.

"The leader of this cult - she wanted me." He said. "But I was not the first or the only one there. She had her own protectors, enforcers who would make sure that her orders were followed. For them, sex was like religion. It had a sacred tone and it was practised with great seriousness and intensity..."

"Was it just her or were there others?"

"I'm sure there were others but she was the only one 'permitted' to have me. They gave me something, some drug to make me compliant but it also meant that the time I spent there took on this hallucinogenic quality. For several nights at least, I was in another zone entirely, mentally, emotionally and physically..." He saw my fearful expression and gave a casual shake of his head. "Oh, I've done drugs before! That part was something I secretly enjoyed... the loss of control and inhibitions. It was wild."

"Did they give you pleasure or pain?" I asked.

He shifted position so that he lay on his side facing me, his elbow propping his head up. The sheets had moved down below his hips and I could see a mass of thick black pubic hair fringed above the white satin. His cock was still erect. He was surprisingly well endowed for a man of such slender build.  A surge of desire flooded through me at the sight of his sex but I wanted to know more of his story, regardless of whether it was true or not.

"It was always a combination of the two. She had no moral compass so it was all done out of pure instinct... there was a primal aspect to all of it. For a short while, I allowed myself to become enveloped in it completely. It was so intoxicating you could not help but submit to their whims..."

I was trying to imagine what they actually did during these 'ceremonies'. It was almost beyond my wildest dreams... or nightmares. He was telling the story simply and in a matter-of-fact way so it had to be true and, even if it wasn't, it was heating up my own lust so that it grew rapidly and deeply.

  "Are you bullshitting me?" I had to ask. 

His face remained impassive. He had an innocence in his eyes that was hard to get past. "No way. I never bullshit about stuff like this. I like to challenge and provoke people I know but this is real. I wanted to tell you because I feel I can trust you."

"You can. It's just so amazing, your story. Who was this cult leader? Did they or she have a name?" 

"Her name was Loranna I think. She was beautiful but I knew I couldn't stay with her. I knew I couldn't leave until I had helped to free the others. It was time for a revolution in this cult... a war..."

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