Mysterious Encounter Part 7

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I awoke to a new world.

I had been with men in my life but it had never been such a potent meeting of mind, body and soul before. It seemed to mean so much more than anything I had experienced before. I lay quietly under the sheets, watching the light of dawn edge through the curtains. I was too afraid to reach out and feel for him in case he had left me alone in bed. I didn't want anything to disturb this feeling of bliss. I breathed carefully and deeply, trying to inhale what little of the scent of him there may be left. I was concentrating on doing this when I felt a cushion bounce off my hip. I rose above the sheets and turned my head sharply. Jared stood at the end of the bed grinning at me. He was fully clothed in a dark blue Gucci jacket, a t-shirt from Banana Republic and a pair of baggy, cream coloured cotton pants. Deck shoes were on his feet and he wore bright red socks. He had a habit of mixing styles so his look was eclectic to say the least. Whatever he wore, he seemed to pull it off. He always looked beautiful to me. He leaned over and grabbed the toes of one of my feet and squeezed playfully.

"C'mon sleepy-head! We gotta a plane to catch!"

I laughed softly to myself and sighed as I pulled back the sheets and climbed out of bed. I saw his eyes flash lustfully as he watched me slide over to a nearby chair and gather my robe to slip over my naked body. Well, if you wanna go back to bed Jared... I thought with a slight wickedness. Instead, I said something far tamer.

"Have I got time for a shower?"

"That depends. Are you one of those girls who spends an eternity in the shower or will it be a five minute rub down?"

"After last night I think I need a thorough scrubbing to get rid of all my dirty wicked thoughts and deeds..." I purred seductively.

His mouth opened wide in a big laugh that illuminated his face with a boyish charm that was incendiary. He came toward me, pulling at the chords of my bath robe in a suggestive way.

"Girl, you were off the chart last night! I've never known anyone to be so bad that they are actually so good, not like that..." He dropped the chords and sighed heavily. "But yeah, we gotta be leaving within half an hour. I told Emma I need the plane to be ready for take off at 11 am."

It sounded so flash, so 'Hollywood'. I was curious though. "Who's Emma?"

"Who - Is - Emma?!" Jared pronounced each word as if it were an exclamation point. "EVERYONE knows her! She's my PA. She's my bigger and better brain. C'mon! Scooch!" He was waving me into the bathroom in a dramatically fussy way. "Get ready."

I was in the bathroom for no more than ten minutes but, when I came out, I found him perched on the end of the bed typing something ultra fast into his phone. I would soon realise that Jared's brain was NEVER idle. If he were waiting anywhere, he was actively doing or thinking about something. His behaviour verged on the hyperactive. I began drying my hair and putting on the same dress I had last on last night. I didn't have much choice, so I thought.

"Hey, hey, hey... what are you doing?" Jared said quickly. "I've arranged for a new dress for you to put on - here." He indicated a piece of pale green cotton on the end of the bed. As I picked it up, I could see it was cute. It came with a pale blue denim jacket and and knee high brown cowboy boots. I sensed the clothes had been Jared's choice not another female's. I donned the clothes and asked him again what he was up to.

"Wellllll...." He began in an almost camp tone of voice. "I have sent an email to Emma to remind her that I need her to let my agents know I am going to be out of the country for a week or so. I have also texted Shannon to let him know the same thing. I need to promise him that we will work on music when we return. Anything else you wanna know, Mrs Nosey?"

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