Chapter 5: Maria

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4:00 am

My eyes fluttered open. How could I forget?! Sitting upright, I slapped Tri's face until she woke. After she shot me an angry glare, I started explaining. "Tri, we have about over an hour until I have to get up and leave. Tell me what you learned about that traitor, Saccy. I know I should've gave you more time to read, but Maria's conscience is seeping out of my grasp. Fortunately, I got hold of her before she told the traitor. In other good news, I know her personalit. I don't need to have her guide me through her personality. No one will know it's not really her. Sorry, I got ahead of myself. The plan is going really great. Kronos will be so happy. So, what do you have Tri?"

"Well, Aegaeon, I know why Kronos traced the traitor to here. Saccy is a reincarnation of him. Everything makes a ton of sense with this kid's ambition, goals and past. Saccy doesn't know his past. I've been thinking, maybe we can remind Saccy of his past self and get him on our side. We need Saccy. That filthy son of Mercury is stronger then we thi-"

The cracking of branch and scurried footsteps cut her off. "Tri-" I passed her her weapon"-go see what that was."

"On it." She raced out the door. About a minute later, Tri came back. "It was a child of Hephaestus or Vulcan. I don't know who, but the door of 9B closed. I'm almost certain it was a girl. The child had a long brown hair and was really tall."

"Wait, tall girl with brown hair and lives in 9B. I bet it's Chov. She always looked at me suspiciously in Godly Powers. Also, she doesn't like Romans too well. Chóvoli is too proud, almost at a dangerous level. Well, now it's dangerous. Nevertheless, we're going on a dangerous journey. I'll simply call some titans and make her death look like a murder. The campers will retaliate against the titans with their new found rage and tons more campers, and we will be able to end a huge mass of those stupid demigods."

"Um, sir, I'm a demigod." Tri spoke quietly.

"So what? You're working for us, and you will be killed the moment you end you're loyalty with Kronos." I ordered her back to sleep and started packing. It's important I calm down and get back into Fluctus mode. A while later, I make my way to the Main Office where Saccy and Chov are waiting there for me.

Saccy makes sure we are okay with this and sets off. The outside barrier of the school is refreshing. Probably not to them, but to me. There is a chariot waiting there for us. I step up to the horse and started speaking to it. It doesn't like me, but it'll do the job.

After setting down our stuff, the horse sets off. We head down the road for about 15 miles before the horse gets tired. The horse ventured to a nearby pond and had a drink before settling down.

"I'll feed the horse." I told the two. They both nod and I get an apple out of a food pack we reserved for the horse.

"Hey, little guy." I spoke

God of sea storms, aye? Or do you expect me to say, neigh?

"You're a funny little guy, aren't you?"

Hey, asshole! Funny little guys don't walk 15 miles with a bunch of fatasses on their backs. Especially the weight from you. I feel like your weight was gonna break my legs!

"Listen, smart guy. I got you a fucking apple, you said you'll do the fucking job, so-"

I also said I didn't trust you. They will find out eventually. Even that daughter of Athena. Damn weaboo reads enough Manga and watches a lot of anime, I'm sure she already knows the plot you're doing.

"Just eat your fucking apple and rest."

Bitch, I heard the horse mumble.

I walked back to Saccy and Chov. "Saccy, what do we do?"

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