Part 2- Chapter 6: Mortem

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Can you hear my heart beat?

Those words flowed out of the IPad in my hands. I was watching Yuri!!! On Ice. That was my drive, being there to watch the next season. Also, I'm still watching Fairy Tail and Voltron.

After these long days, it's nice to be laying in a relaxing bed and being able to sleep. But for me, I have anime, so there is no sleep in my life. Turning off the device, I pulled the covers over me and relaxed.

We're next to a ramen restaurant, we have food. I thought to myself.

Usually, I don't have dreams, but tonight was one of them. I was standing in a house. It was clear nobody has lived in here for hundreds of years. The room I was standing in was square shaped with brown, rotten wood and was surrounded by Leonardo Da Vinci paintings.

Quiet whispering took over the room. Two figures stepped, the old wood creaking and breaking under their feet. The mysterious, hooded figures walked around the room, their head clearly showing they were looking around. One of them stopped suddenly in front of a black, wooden shelf full of yellow and torn papers.

They whispered among each other,"Bryan, this is it. What did Kronos say, again? Wait, I remember. Pull the shelf to the left, back corner of the room from the second separator." After speaking with a raspy voice, the man did as he spoke and a small stair case was exposed.

Him and the other figure walked down the stairs. The second, they walked down, they were thrown back up again. Another person came up and slashed them with a sword. The two figures exploded into dust.

"Mortem! Wake up!" Fluctus Bellowed. As soon as I opened my eyes, she backhanded me so hard that I felt my eyes about to fly out of their sockets.

"Ow," I rubbed the new handprint on my face. "What the hell?"

"Mortem! We got a Titan 50 yards away! Get your weapon! I already woke up the others." She tossed me my Imperial Gold Spear.

After getting changed quickly, I ran to the other demigods and searched outside the window for the Titan. It was now 30 yards away.

The new demigods were given some swords that Chov was able to craft with scraps of Celestial Bronze she kept with her. They were huddled together while the rest of us were ready to break down the door and shout at the Titan with a bullhorn.

"Okay, guys," Máchi began. "We need a strategy. I say a classic one. Some of us distract, the others kill."We all nodded. "Great!" Máchi exclaimed. "Chov and Noim, you guys watch the new demigods. Mortem, Saccy and I will take out the titan. The rest of you, packup and take the necessities, no seaweed." Noim frowned, but quickly returned to the demigods.

Máchi grabbed a strangely, familiar bag, and all of us took of towards the titan. We hid behind a building, while Máchi ran along the other side then quickly came back.

Without us asking, a large explosion was heard. Saccy and I quickly got the clue and exited our hiding space, running towards the titan. It was distracted, but for some reason, ran away. The three of us decided to follow it and make sure it's far away.

The titan stopped at a grass field where there were tons and tons of Greek and Roman monsters.

"What the hell is this?" I whispered to Saccy and Máchi. We were hiding behind stacks of hay. "Didn't Oury say there are no more monsters because the gods never created them? There's like 1000 right here!"

"I don't know, guys," Saccy was looking around and making sure no monsters heard us. "Maybe the titans tortured the gods into creating the monsters. I'm guessing the titans made sure the gods still knew how to create things, and that's why we have horses and live stock."

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