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Taura Fanfic

Maura's POV

I laid on the couch and closed my eyes then started to fiddle with my wedding ring. "Tony please hurry home" I said to him on the phone. "I will try. The flight has been delayed". There was a pause. "I miss you" I said. "You did" I heard Tonys voice behind me. I opened my eyes and saw Tony smiling over me. "Tony" I said sitting up. I started to cry and I jumped up from the couch. "Tony..." I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around him. Tony put his arms on my back. "I missed you" I said planting kisses on his lips. "Whoa Maura. I missed you too" he said smiling at me. "Did Ziva get back safe" I asked. "Yea she's good. How's Jane". "She is actually in the guest house with Angela right now". "Why don't we go say hello". "Not just yet" I said kissing his lips softly. I pulled away and smiled. "How's my little baby Isles in there" he said putting me down then putting his hand on my stomach. "The baby is good" I said. "Should we tell them" he asked. "If you want". We walked out to the guest house and Tony knocked on the door. Jane opened. "Tony. Hey when did you get back" Jane said hugging Tony. "A few minuets ago". "Hi Tony" Angela said. "Hey Angela". We all went into my house and sat on my couch. We started to talk. Then I started to feel sick so I ran off to the bathroom. I threw up in the toilet. "Maur are you ok" I heard Jane. "Yes" I said standing up. "Hives Maura". "Come back in the living room and I'll tell you" I said. We walked back to he living room and I nodded to Tony. "I'm pregnant" I said as Tony intertwined our fingers. Jane and Angela both had their hands over their mouths after they gasped. "That's...amazing" Jane said. "Yes it is. You are going to be an Aunt and Angela another grandmother" Tony said putting his hand on my stomach. Angela and Jane got up and hugged us. Jane started to cry into my hair. "Awww Jane" I said stroking her wild mess of black curls. "My best friend is having a baby" she said jumping up and down. We celebrated for a little while then Angela and Jane went to the guest house. "You want to go to bed my little queen of the dead" Tony asked making me giggle slightly. "Sure". We went into the bedroom and I slipped of everything but my underwear. I turned back to the bed and Tony was already laying there. "The beds been cold with out you Tony" I said crawling under the covers. Tony scooted closer an wrapped his arms around me. Tony rubbed my stomach with his warm hand. "Think of this. In a few months we are going to have a little baby laying here with us". I smiled at him. "I know. I am...scared". Tony kissed me softly. "Don't be". He ran his fingers though my blond hair and I smiled.

Then next morning.

Tonys POV

I woke up with Maura in my arms. I put my finger in my mouth an then in her ear. She jumped up "no I don't want Chromium bacterium vialactium" she screamed whipping her ear. "What...please tell me that was you" she said. "It was me" I said. She smacked me on the chest and laid back down "what is Chromium bacterium vialactium". "It is a bacteria that crawls in your ear or nose and eats you from the inside out. I am terrified of it" Maura said snuggling up to me. "I won't let it get you" I said. "Well you could not do anything to keep it....oh" she started to ramble. "You are sweet" she said.

5 months later.

Maura's POV

I was sitting in my office, my baby bump hitting my desk every soften. "You are kicking hard today" I said putting my hand on my stomach. "She probably wants to get out to see you" I heard Tonys voice. I looked up and smiled. "Hi Tony" I said getting up from my chair. I fixed my blue fitted dress. "I can not believe you can even find maternity dresses like that. It looks great on you though" he said smiling. "Thank you. It is a little challenging". "Well you look beautiful" he said putting his arms around me. "Volim te" (I love you in Serbian). "I love it when you speak Serbian to me". "Џејн ми је рекла да вам се свиђа" (Jane told me that you like it). "Whatcha saying" he asked. "It want be any fun if you know what I am saying" I said. "Riesci a parlare italiano" (can you speak Italian) he asked. "Yes I can". "Dang it" he said leaning down and planting a kiss on my lips. I giggled. "Dr.Isles" I heard Dr.Pike from behind me. I pulled away from Tony and turned to him. "Yes Dr.Pike?" I asked. "I have some new findings". I followed Pike into the morgue. "I found this in the stomach". "It seems to be a nail". "Yes. That is what I thought". "If you would please send that up to Det.Rizzoli". I turned to walk off. "Wait Dr.Isles" Pike said. I turned back to look at him. "Do you know what your baby is" he asked. "Oh...it's a girl". "How far along are you". "5 months". "Well congratulations". "Thank you Dr.Pike" I said smiling. I walked back into the office and Tony took my hand. "I love you" he said. "I love you too".

4 months later

"Come on Maura. One more push" Tony said. "one more push". I gave one more push. "Here she is" the doctor said. They cleaned her of then handed her back to me. The crying baby in my arms had Tonys green eyes. "Tony she's beautiful". "Just like her mother. What do you want to name her" he asked. "Jane Elizabeth Isles". "That's a wonderful name". They moved me and Jane to another room. My first visitors were Jane, Angela, Hope, and Mother.

"Hi" I said holding Jane. "What's her name" asked Mother. "Jane Elizabeth Isles". "Thank god you did not name her Clementine" Jane said walking over. "Your are the greatest best friend a woman could ask for" she said hugging me. "Maura she's beautiful" Hope said. Mother came up and so did Angela. "I guess she has three grandmothers" Hope said looking at my mother and Angela. I smiled and looked down at Baby Jane. "Maur. Can I hold her" Jane asked. "Yea". I gently gave Jane the baby. "Hi there. I'm your aunt Jane. You are going to be beautiful little girl like your mommy an I hope you have your daddy's sense of humor. I wish there was a chance that oh could have thick black curly hair like mine " she said to Jane. "There is a small chance that could happen Jane" I said to her as she bounce the baby. I looked up at Tony a kissed him softly. "Love you". "Love you too Maura".

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