Fun and Games.

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Zivas dream.

"I love you Tony" I said smiling at him. "I love you too sweet cheeks".

"Ziva!" Tony shook me and I shot up from sleeping on my desks. "Yeah?!" I asked. "You were saying my name in your sleep" he said smiling cheekily. "I was?" I blushed. "Yeah you were. Are you ok". "Yes I am fine". "Ok". I smiled at Tony and he walked back to his desk. It was dark out side and in the squad room besides our desk lamps, everyone had left too. "Tony what time is it?". "12:13". "Oh". "Hey Ziva. I have a really random idea, let's have a dance competition". "What?" I gave him a 'your a freak' look. "Or you could just dance for me" he said smiling at me with his famous grin. I got up from my desk and walked over to him. "You want me to dance for you. Is this from that who is better site thing". "It can be". I though about it for a minuet then looked back at him. "Ok". I turned his computer to the middle of the bull pen. He got on the site and started to record. "Well you have to give me some music". "Of course" he chuckled. Tony started to play S&M by Rihanna. "Really?".

Tonys POV

"Yeah really". "Ok". Ziva started to rock her hips back and forth and I chuckled. I can believe she's gonna do it. She gave me a devilish grin as she flipped around and started run her hands down her side down to her hips. She slowly started to drop to the floor, swaying her hips while also putting me in a trance. She popped back up, running her hands up her side and she smoothly turned around. I smiled at her as she walked closer to me. The rest if the dance was rather enjoyable to watch but once the song was over she stopped. Ziva walked back over to the computer and clicked send. "You want to watch it" I asked her. She shrugged then smiled and sat in my lap. I clicked play and the video started to play. Ziva giggled as she watched her self dance. I was enjoying watching it again. Zivas cheeks got red when she saw her self dance around me with a huge smile on her face. "You seemed to enjoy that" I whispered in her ear. She got up and snickered at me. I grabbed her hand and pulled her back into my lap. I kissed up her neck making her squeal. "Tony stop that" she giggled. Ziva gave up and let me kiss on her. Then she smacked my chest and I pulled away then pouted at her. Ziva giggled at me. "Don't pout..." she whined petting my cheek with her knuckles. Ziva smiled and rested her head on my chest.

Next morning

Gibbs POV

Walked in to the squad room with my coffee. I heard snoring coming from behind DiNozzo's desk. I walked over and saw DiNozzo and David hugged up together sleeping on the floor. DiNozzo had his arms around Ziva's waist and she had her face nuzzled into his chest. One of his hands was a little low for my liking I'll let it slid. Her hand was rested on his chest and the other around his middle. I smiled at the site. I went to my desk and pull out the blanket Abby put in there and walked back over to them. I covered them up with the blanket then went back to my desk.

Zivas POV

I woke up wrapped in Tonys muscular muscular arms. I smiled and stayed snuggled up to his chest. Then Tonys started to move and he opened his mouth. I put my hand over his mouth when he was about to say something. His eyes opened and he looked at me strangely. I put my finger over my mouth "shh" I warned. He nodded. I smiled then scooted up and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. "Get up you two. I know your awake" Gibbs said. We got up and gave him a week smile. "You two go home. We don't have a case". "Ok boss". "Oh and DiNozzo. Do you always grab women's but when the sleep" Gibbs asked. I looked at him and smacked his chest. "Owe. What I just can't help my self sometimes" he said. Tony leaned over "especially around you" he whispered in my ear. I started to blush then headed to the elevator. Tony walked up next to me and followed me to the

elevator. He stood next to me in the elevator then he leaned over and switched it off. I looked at him and smiled slightly. "What?" I asked. "Let me take you out tonight" he said smiling. "What? no". "Why not. We had fun last night, and don't try to say you didn't". I crossed my arms and looked at the wall. Then I felt Tonys arms wrap around me. I bit my bottom lip and smiled. "Tony I can't tonight. I have some thing's to do. Maybe tomorrow night" I said looking back at him. "I can help you. Please Ziva..." he whined. Tony hugged my waist tighter and nuzzled into my neck. "Please..." he pleased. I smiled to my self. "Ok..." I said. "Yes. Ok what are we doing". "We are going to The sleep number store to get me a new mattress". "Ok" he let go of me and kissed my head. I got back to my house and when I shut the door a smile stretched across my face. I walked to my couch and flopped down on it. My phone buzzed in my back pocket. It was a text from Tony. It had a video on it, it was me dancing. My cheeks went red as I watched my self drop to the floor. I started to laugh even though I was really embarrassed. I texted him back. "Haha very funny". Then came another text. "You want to have lunch Ziva". "I guess. Cafe on 48". "Sure". I got a shower then got ready. 20 minuets later I arrived at the little cafe and Tony was sitting out side at a table. He did look rather handsome sitting there. Tony smiled at me as I walked over and sat next to him. "Hi" I smiled. "Hi. You look beautiful" he said smiling at me. "Thank you. You look rather handsome yourself". I scooted closer and snaked my arms around is neck. "Well hey" he chuckled after I put my arms around his neck. "Hey". I scooted closer and kissed his cheek. "What are you doing?" he asked as I kissed on his neck. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Black shirt, sunglasses, and shaved head over at the corner table. He is watching us". "It's probably nothing Zi. Calm down" Tony kissed my head. "Hmm...ok" I sat up but planted a kiss on his cheek. "You smell good Tony" I said smiling as I looked at the menu. "Why thank you. You smell like vanilla" he said making me smile. Tony took my hand that was rested on the table and intertwined our fingers. We ordered our food and it came a few minuets later. Tony and I feed each other playfully every so often, making each other smile and laugh. "So I guess I'll come and pick you up at 5 and we can go mattress shopping" Tony said walking me to my car. "That sounds good....Bye" I kissed him on the cheek then climbed in my car.

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