The Things I Do For You

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Tonys POV.

"Tony...Tony wake up" Ziva said shaking me. "What" I scream as I shot up. Ziva snickered when I looked around stunned. "is every thing ok baby" I said cupping her face. "Yes yes I am fine". "Then what is it" I asked resting my hands on her small baby bump. "I am hungry". I looked at the clock on my bed side table. "You woke me up at 2:15 because our hungry" I said with a sarcastic smile. "Yes..." Ziva looked down at her knees. "Well what do you want" I sighed. "Arby's...?" She said shyly nuzzling into my chest. "Ok, you want the medium roast beef". "Yes please. And can you get some fries to?" she asked shyly. "Ok I'll be right back" I sighed swinging my legs off the bed and throwing on my Ohio state sweat pants. "Hey were is my Ohio state shirt" I asked. I looked back at Ziva and she had on my shirt and her knees tucked inside. She smirked at me and I threw on a regular shirt. "I will be back soon" I said to her as I kissed her forehead. I cranked my car and started down the road. When I got to Arby's is was 2:25and I was beat. I pulled up to this drive-threw window and te guy handed me my food. "Pregnant wife" he asked obviously knowing what I am going though. "This pregnant one is and ex-assassin" I said. "Good luck man" he said as I drove off. When I got back to our house it was 2:37. I stepped into our room Ziva was sitting up against the bedpost hugging her rainbow teddy bear that I got her on our first date. "So you do sleep with that bear" I said smiling. Ziva stuffed the bear under the covers when she heard me. "What bear...I do not have a bear" she said nervously. I tossed Ziva her sandwich and laid next to her. I grabbed the rainbow bear. "Tony...give me him" she said reaching for the bear that I held high over my head. "What did you name him" I asked playfully. "His name is Tony now give him" she sat her sandwich down and snatched the bear from me. Ziva hugged up to the bear and pouted and she hugged him. I smiled and planted a kiss on her cheek. She just grabbed her sandwich and started to eat it. Ziva finished and I reached for the bear again. I snatched the bear form her and she growled at me. "Give him to me" she hissed. "Did you sleep with it after our date" I asked teasing her. "Tony...give him" she whined. "You are going to do something awful to him" she cried. "Oh Ziva no don't...don't cry I was just messing with you" I said feeling bad. " can have him back" I said sitting the bear in her lap. "Every thing makes me cry now" she sniffled picking up the bear and scooting closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her. "It's ok cry as much as you want if you need to" Tony said tracing circles on her baby bump. They laid back down with the big rainbow bear between them. "I want to give this to our baby" she said stroking the bears head. "I can't believe I gave that to you two years ago" he said. "Tony" she asked. "Yes sweet cheeks". "Can you go and get me some milk...please". "Ok" I grumbled. I got up from bed...again...and went to the kitchen. I got the milk and the chocolate syrup because I new she would ask for it. I mixed it together and brought it back to her. "Aww you made it chocolate for me" she cooed as I laid down. Ziva planted a kiss on my lips. I watched Ziva roll back over to look at me. "Good night Tony". "Finally" I huffed under my breath. Ziva smacked my cheek playfully then pulled me into a kiss. Ziva pulled away and snuggled into my chest. "I love you" she said. "I love you too Ziva".

Few months later.

I laid next to Ziva in the bed as she slept. I slipped my hands in her get shirt and felt her baby bump. I felt the baby kick. "Mmm...Tony let me sleep" Ziva grumbled. I nuzzled into her warm back . Ziva grumbled and I wrapped my arms around her. "Tony...". I kissed on her neck and she smacked me on the face "owee" I whined nuzzling into her chest. "Can you please let me sleep" she asked. "Hmm. Ok. I love you Ziva". "I love you to Tony.

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