04|01|17 - ❝Regret❞

66 9 0

I'm in a park with my mom and then suddenly, Rapmon was there too. He offered us a seat with him and my mom gladly took a seat in front of him. I was hesistant and too shy around him but my mom insisted. I took a seat beside him and I found myself blushing and ignoring him while he tries to speak with me. A cousin of mine called me to go to my grandfather's place and meet him. When my business with my grandfather was finally done, I was excited to go back to the park. However, my cousin told me that Rapmon have already left there. I cried and felt bad for ignoring him like that. I regretted that I didn't get an autograph nor take a picture with him at least.

I think I have an interpretation of this, at this date, I was depressed for more than a week and my mind slipped off about BTS and the fandom. So I'm guessing Rapmon represents the BTS and then there's me, there was a gap of oblivion between us. I tried to search the meaning behind grandfather's appearance in the dream and these are what I found mostly:
▣ To dream of your grandfather may represent your conscience in situations that you have previous experience in.
▣ Grandfather dreams can also be symbols of illness and ill health. You can dream of a grandfather and it just means that you feel old and tired.
▣ Grandfathers can also be symbols of the passage of time. Its the way the dream can express thoughts like 'it took a long time' or 'It seemed to take forever'.

I don't know if these are right or related to my dream but I sensed it's quite relevant to my depression. I can't believe my brain would give me this kind of message. 😅

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