06|16|17 - ❝Birthday Boy❞

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It all started with me and a friend of mine who had blurry face and couldn't idenitfy her were attending their concert. We were sitting in front of the seats and almost near to the stage. They were performing except Jungkook who wasn't there. The present members announced that it's Jungkook's birthday and they needed to surprise him when he arrives before he can perform on the stage. After waiting, the lights went down and a spotlight directed to Jungkook on stage. He danced for us then I said to my friend that he finally turned 20 (international age probably) which she agreed. However, something weird was happening; he was slowly becoming a child and getting smaller. I noticed V was dancing too beside him but only with his head literally and shoes underneath him!

The next scene, we were invited to Jungkook's birthday party in a room. I saw Rapmon came wearing a white robe like a holy prophet or something. Rapmon announced that we will play a game so he gave me the mechanics paper of what to do for the participating members. When he left us, we waited for the first member to come to us which is Jimin. I decided to place the paper on the table to be given to him, but mysteriously it immersed in colored sky bue liquid and was soaking wet. I apologized to Jimin when he came and thankfully he didn't mind. He was even smiling like it was nothing at all until a dark figure guy in tribal clothes suddenly appeared and quickly charged at us with an axe in his hand.

Okay I really don't know what is happening and I was laughing and felt cringy while writing this. The dream was hazy and doesn't make any sense at all tbh.

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