✿ one ✿

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Dean tightened his jacket as he exited the garage he worked at entering the rainy night.

He had unfortunately parked his car far down the street then usual that morning.

Dean sighed , his hands buried in his jacket pockets heading down the dimly lit street.

Half-way down the sidewalk dean heard a painful cry coming from the dark damp side alleyway.

He cautiously walked toward the ally, someone might be in trouble?, was dean's first thought.

"Hello?" he called out into the darkness, "is anyone there?"

As dean took a few more steps into the dim darkness, he then heard whimpers coming from beside the dumpster.

He rounded the dumpster to find a man about his age sitting on the dirty ground, his back up against the wall with his arms wrapped around his stomach protectively.

He looked up at dean with wide and frightened blue eyes which were shimmering with tears. he had a mop of raven black hair and was wearing nothing but faded jeans, a stretched out t-shirt, and a thin red hoodie. he's heavily pregnant and clearly homeless.

"P-Please.." the man groaned, lightly tightening his grip on his stomach, "p-please don't h-hurt us, j-just go a-away"

"no! i'm not gonna hurt you!" dean said, kneeling down to the mans hight.

The homeless man was still uncertain about dean as he let out another small pain cry and curled further around the bump.

"Oh my god, are you in labor?" dean asked, knowing it was a dumb question.

"Yes" the man hissed in pain as he fought through the contraction, "so please just l-leave"

"Uh, i don't think so" dean said "i'm not leaving you alone in a dirty damn ally to give birth, we gotta get you to a hospital"

"No!" the man gasped, "i-i can't afford-"

"You let me take care of that" dean said, "please just come with me"

The man looked up at dean with tear stained cheeks, it was obvious that he was still scared but had no other choice.

"Okay.." the man whispered.

"Alright" dean nodded, "let me help you up"

Dean carefully wrapped his left arm around the mans waist, the man whimpered a little as dean began to hoist him up and his legs wobbled a little but dean supported him and they were on their way to dean's impala.

when they reached the impala dean opened the passenger door and lowered the man into the seat, shutting the door then getting in on his side.

"Here take this" dean handed him a bottle of water before turning the car on.

"My names dean by the way, dean winchester"

"Castiel novak"

♡ 👶🏻 ♡

After what felt like years they finally reached the hospital.

Dean helped cas out of the impala putting him in a wheelchair then headed to the reception desk.

When they got there dean had explained the situation while they took cas to a room.

Dean hurried down the corridor towards the room they put cas in, when he got to the room cas had already been changed into a hospital gown.

"Are you the other father?" a nurse asked.


"Sir, i'm sorry but we can only have family in here" said the nurse.

"B-But he's all i have!" cas blurted, "please, dean, don't leave" reaching out to grab dean's sleeve.

"You heard him! i'm not going no where!"

The nurse smiled and nodded before heading out to get the doctor.

"Thank you" cas said.

"Please, cas, stop thanking me. i'm just doing the right thing"

Cas smiled weakly but groaned when another contraction hit.

And on cue the doctor came in and told cas he would be ready to start pushing soon.

rockabye baby ft. destiel [mpreg] .Where stories live. Discover now