Five- There's a Very Pleasant Side to You, A Side I Much Prefer

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"If you don't stay on your side of the bed, Turner," I said.  "Then I'm going to shave your eyebrows off in your sleep."

Alex scooted even closer to me then, completely ignoring the boundaries of pillows I'd put between us.  

"Typical Dav," he said.  "Afraid of human contact.  Or should I say male contact."

I reached over the pillow barrier to hit him in the ribs.  He yelped, laughing as he rolled over on his side. 

"I give you my hospitably, my food, my bed, and this is how you repay me?" he laughed.

He had a good point.  I stayed over at Alex's a few times a week in the summer, when both of my parents worked the night shift, and had been doing so since we were 8.  And though we were both going on sixteen, we'd never really grown out of sharing the same bed.  It was just kind of a habit.

His parents didn't really care, either.  I think it was because they knew that there was absolutely no chance that Alex and I would be involved in what they liked to call "funny business".  We were mates.  And besides, Alex had his romantic interest elsewhere.  

"So how'd that recording with lads go?" I asked him in the darkness.

"Ye know," he said, his voice cracking a bit.  "It's all pretty rough still."

"You know what I think, Turner?"

"What's that?"

"I think you're only going through this whole band faze to impress Sophie Montgomery."

"Am not," he said.

"Are too."

"Shut up," he said,  "I'm tired of hearing your voice."

"I bet you wrote a song about her, didn't you?  What's it called?  Sophie Big Tits?"

"Yeah, well at least I don't sit around eating Twinkies alone all day like you," he shot at me.  "You're just jealous that I have talent and someone who actually likes me."

"Fuck off," I said to him.  "And you have to be good at something for it to be considered a talent."

He sat up then, pulling the pillow barrier out from between us.  Before I had a chance to move, he lifted the pillow high above his head and smacked me right in the face with it.  I laid there for a minute, shocked, before grabbing my own pillow and swinging it at him so hard that he fell off the side of the bed.

"Have fun sleeping on the floor, git," I said, stretching my body across his entire bed.  

"Idiot," he called up to me.

I laid my head on his pillow, unable to help the smile that stretched across my face.  "Idiot."

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