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Simons POV
She was shaking. I didn't know what todo. I was not going to get her killed.
"Take it easy man. What do you want from her?"
"Nothing, but I want something from him."
He pointed at Chris.
"Why do you have her if you want something from him?"
"Because he cares about her"
I look at her. Trying to read if she believes it.
"Don't bother, he doesn't."
Chris looked at her. Kind of in a hurt way.
"What are you talking about of corse I care about you!"
Luna whispers into his ear
"You idiot!"
Chris looks at her and realizes what he has just done. Evana looks at me and mouths the words "help me". I nodded my head
"Look what do you want from him?"
"He knows."
Everyone looked at Chris. We were all confused and concerned.
"Well give it to him." Luna says in a demanding way.
"I.....I.......I can't."
"What do you mean you can't!?"
Evana yells at him
"Chris I am about to die because you want give him what he wants. Just give him the dang thing he wants! Please! I am about to die."
"Better listen to your little girl over here"
I didn't know how to act. I was think of how to get her out of this situation.
"Take me instead"
"Simon No. Dont listen to him! You don't want him!"
"Shut up!" The man punches her in the stomach. I try to reach for her but he puts the gun closer to her head.
"Take me instead. I am more valuable and I will do whatever you want."
"Simon, STOP!"
"I told you to shut up!"
He punches her again. She falls to her knees.
"Alright buddy you got a deal"
I ran over to her. I hugged her tightly and untied her rope. I was so happy she was in my arms once again.
"Alright love birds, split up, or I will take both of you."
"Evana go."
"Simon I can't leave you!"
"Tick tick tick"
Suddenly a large dude came up behind her and stabbed her in her stomach.
"AAUUURRGGH" she screams in pain.
"Stop! Why did you stab her!"
"I have an idea boss."
"Fire away"
"We have a soccer game to see if he gets to keep the girl or not"
"That's a stupid idea. Why would we have a soccer game?"
"Because remember our deal boss."
"And what makes you think I will keep that deal?"
The large man picks up the man and raises him to eye level.
"Then I will have to beat the heck out of you and shove you into the ground."
"Okay fine. Meet me tomorrow on the pitch. You don't show, you don't live. We win we keep the girl, the man, and Chris..."
"You give me what I want."
He gulped hard
They then disappeared in the shadows.
"Simon, I..I am going to be alright."
"This is all my fault!"
"This was never your fault."
" I need a bandage. That is all."
"Okay we will take you back"
Evana's POV
In that moment I felt so vulnerable. I felt weak. But Simon gave me strength. I wanted to kiss him so bad. But I couldn't. Some part of me still felt sorry for Chris. Did he really mean what he said? Did he really have feelings for me? I don't know. I am in too much pain to think.
Simon carried me until we could get a car. When we finally got to the complex, all I wanted to do was sleep.
"Evana you have to stay awake!"
I heard Simon say.
"I'll try"
I finally got bandaged up.
"We need to give her some space"
Everyone was leaving my apartment
He turns around to see if I am hurt.
"Please stay with me."
He walked over he bed and payed in bed with me. He put his arms around me and I put my head on his chest. I felt so, so safe with him. And then I fell asleep.
Simons POV
She looked so beautiful laying there. I wanted to keep her safe. I didn't want her to be harmed anymore. She has been hurt enough and I didn't want anything to happen to her. I think....I think...I think I

Love her...

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