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This while chapter will be in Chris's POV.

I sprint into the hospital searching for Evana's room. I search every hallway. Every room. She is not here. Where could she have gone? There is no way she could have gone anywhere. She was shot in the leg. How can she not be here? I ran to the front desk to try to find her. I know for a fact she is in the hospital. i finally arrived at the front desk. "Um.. excuse me? Could you tell me which room Evana Carson is in?" The lady looks at me in confusion then looks at a clipboard. "Sir, we dont have anyone checked in named Evana Carson." What? how is that possible? I run back into all of the rooms. All of he hallways. Everywhere. I got to this place in the hospital that is not normally apart of a hospital. It was a dark hallway with busted doors. i walked into one of the rooms and started to look around. It was a room filled with dead bodies. The bodies were covered with a white sheet. It is something i hve never seen before. i have never seen anything so lifeless. The bodies had tags on them. I looked at one of the tags and i saw the nam "Simon Minter." posted on it. I looked at the sheet and was tooo afraid to take off the covers. I lifted the cover and there lyed Simon Minter. How? There was a X on his neck. This means he was injected with something to kill him. I layed the sheet back over his body and left the room. I started to cry but then Evana came to mind. If they would do that to Simon what would they do to Evana? I rushed into every room in that hallway until i reached the last door at the very end of the hallway On the door there was a sign that said "Empolies only." I opened the door and there stood the docters that took Evana. "Hello son. I have been excpecting you." "Excpecting me? Who are you and what have you done with her?" "Who? The girl? Oh she is long gone." i started to cry. right in front of them. i felt so vunerable. "What? you thought she actually loved you? Trust me, she didn't. Now you are going to give me what I want or you will die with her." "I want to die with her. At least I can be with her in heaven." "Yeah that's not happening. we will torture answers out of you. To the point where you would want to die." I watched as he slowly got up from his chair and walked over to me. He was moving with careful steps.  I wasn't afraid anymore. The worst thing he could have done to torture me was torture Evana but, it doesn't matter anymore. She was dead. long gone. I was depressed. All I could think about was her. I saw a gun in his belt. as he got closer to me I took my eyes off of it. I don't want him to notice me looking. He got really close and whispered into my ear. "Don't even think about it." He's right. I'm not going to think about it. So, with one quick swipe, I took his gun. Without hesitation I pointed the gun to my head and pulled the trigger. It didn't hurt. All I could think about is I can be with her.

They say when you die your life flashes before your eyes. That didn't happen to me. It didn't flash
. Not like it mattered. I knew I was dead. it was a fact I was dead. But I was satisfied. I knew I died for the right reason. I knew I died... for her.

OH MY GOSH I recently just got the app again and I noticed that is had over 2,000 reads!!!! Thank you so much!!!!! This has inspired me to write another story. I am not 100% sure what it will be about yet but I have ideas. We you later😁

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