Wounded Dreams

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  Kate Moss as Jocelyn (Nova's Mother)  - Shown Above 



Nova's P.O.V

My wolf stirred in my head at the familiar scent of lemons and lavender, similar to my own.

"Nova, Darling wake up..."

Mom? Opening my eyes I saw her at my side. Turning my head I noticed Jasper asleep beside me.

Was she really here?

"Oh, Nova!" She quickly embraced me, letting her scent surround me, comforting me. I held on tight, scared she would disappear.

"Mom? Are you really here?" Looking up into her bright green eyes I noticed a flash of pain.

"No, I'm sorry. You are in limbo. The moon goddess allowed this to be the setting to make you feel more comfortable. She had gifted me with this one confrontation so I may explain myself. Help you understand.

Confused, I tilted my head.

"I understand why you left mom but I don't understand what you mean... You're human, how can you speak to the moon goddess, how do you know about us?"

Smiling at me brightly, she handed me a heavy envelope.

"Remember I story I told you? The one about the girl named Luna? Well, it was a true story... It was a very old story but true. Your father was the one who told me it when I was pregnant with you and... and." She sighed deeply.

"When... he left. I was devasted, I insisted he take you with him because you'd be better off... I knew what he was and the possibility that you would take his genes but he was stubborn and informed me that this was what Luna wanted. Instructing him to do this. He had given me several letters to give to you once you were older and a necklace. With that, he left. I fell into a depression, feeling like it was my fault he left, that I wasn't good enough. I loved you, don't get me wrong, I loved you more than anything... but I thought if I wasn't around he would come back from you. Raise you in a real family. I thought since he left you would hold my human genes, thinking you were weak and that's why he wouldn't take you. I knew if I wasn't here his wolf would become parental and force him to take you in as his pup. I decided I would jump off a cliff, to go to the moon, just like in his story." Her eyes glazed over as she continued. Her words stung my heart. She never opened up to me like this before.

"Before I had jumped a woman had come to me, despair in her eyes. She was beautiful, filling me with determination and pride as your mother. She told me I held great importance and you needed me to raise you into the person you would become. She had pointed to my chest and told me she would always be... there" She placed her hand over my heart, smiling at me sadly as she reached out and wiped a tear that had fallen from my eye.

"Nova, The moon goddess had shown me your mate. Do not be afraid. She will guild you. The mate bond is a sacred thing. Believe in her and let her lead. You are in for a rocky ride but know we will always be here for you. Those things happen for a reason. You are in her favor."

Nodding my head, I puffed up my chest in pride. I was in the moon goddesses favor...

"You were my gift Nova, but now you have greater things ahead of you. I will always be with you, and one day, one day we will see each other again. I am so proud of the woman you have grown to be. I love you my Nova Star."

We had embraced each other into a deep hug, letting silence fall over us. We sat like that for what felt like hours before I replied, "I love you too Mom. I miss you."


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