Chapter 11

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After weeks of trekking to the North, Goyong along with his troops finally arrived in Concepcíon. From there, they made their ascent to Mt. Tirad. He then began to survey the strategic points of the mountain, and felt a new sense of hope, for the mountain with its harsh paths and steep edges would prove to be a challenge for the Americans. Goyong ordered some of his men to build trenches. He then arranged his troops and distributed his men to strategic locations where the Americans could possibly pass.

After a few days, Goyong proceeded to the nearby town of Cervantes where Aguinaldo was staying. Nightfall had caught up with them, the moonless sky over their heads. 

Goyong had arrived rather late at the house where Aguinaldo was currently staying. That same night, everyone hardly slept when a heavy thud had echoed throughout the house. Everyone lighted their lamps but saw nothing out of place. This incident miffed Goyong and he wasn't able to sleep at all.

The next day, while Goyong arranged his things, he stumbled upon a ruffled silk handkerchief, the letter 'X' embroidered at one corner. Goyong had it embroidered after he last saw the brown-eyed girl. He felt a lump in his throat and placed the handkerchief inside his inner breast pocket along with the gold locket.

Goyong and his troops were on their way back to Angake, and from there, they would make their way to Mt. Tirad. Aguinaldo offered his horse to Goyong, but the horse unusually churned and whined and would go no farther. Aguinaldo then offered Goyong to stay but Goyong insisted. He wanted to fight with his men.    

The first night at Mt. Tirad, Goyong had clutched the locket, its surface now cool to touch. Something in him spurred him to utter his thanks to the goddess. 

Goyong closed his eyes as he thanked her for the locket that somehow helped him in the battlefield, escaping harm inflicted by the enemies. 

The moon still refused to show, but a cool breeze answered his gratitude.

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