One of those days (Tbjzl Imagine)

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Do you ever have those days where all you want is to be alone? And if anyone interrupts your piece and quiet you're angry for the rest of the day. You also feel a special kind of way, it's hard to explain but if you know it, you know it.

My boyfriend of 3 years always knew when i was in of these kinds of moods. At first he thought i was being sad and interrupted my day with things to make me happy. Of course i got angry, but i couldn't be angry at him for long. As soon as i saw his puppy eyes i forgave him and we cuddled a bit before i returned to my state of not wanting to talk to anyone.

Today was no different.

"Hey, i'm going out shopping with Josh, is that okay?" Tobi asked, he always asked you this, as if you had a problem with him being with his friends.
"No, it's okay! You don't have to ask for permission" you laughed.

Tobi knew this, but he had a plan and it was important for him to make you think that he was out shopping.

In reality Tobi was going out with Josh, but they weren't going shopping. He had made plans that involved you staying home and that you were in the 'i don't want to talk to anyone' - mood.

"Did she buy it?" Josh asked as soon as Tobi closed the door behind him. "Yes, she has no idea" Tobi smiled, today it was finally going to happen.

While you read your books and daydreamed, Tobi visited your favourite place in the whole city, the place you and him had met.

It had all been set up, you knew Freya, Josh's girlfriend and she had made you go on a blind date with him. For you it was love at first sight. His smile that lit up the whole room, his charming attitude and overall amazing personality had made you fall for him faster than you had ever fallen for someone else. You were still together 5 years later.

Tobi remembered the day just as well you, which is why he picked the place to ask you something important.

Once he got home again after his quick trip with Josh, just to make sure that everything was still in place and order according to the plan. He walked over to you, hiding some of your favourite flowers behind his back.

"Hey Tobes, are you already back?" You asked him, a bit tired, you had just had a nap. "Yeah i'm back, now i know that this isn't a special day or anything" he answered, whilst pulling the flowers to his front, "but i was wondering if you would like to join me to dinner at our place?"

You blushed at how beautiful the flowers were and how sweet he was. "Yes of course i would like to join you for dinner! Let me just get dressed up" you were suddenly out of the rather solemn mood you had been in all day.

Later in the evening, after you had had dessert: you had chosen a brownie with hazelnut and he had had a lemon sorbet. You were having the time of your life, every date with Tobi seemed like the first, you never ran out of things to talk about.

Suddenly he stood up though, making quite the scene in the little restaurant. "Tobi! What are you doing? Please sit down" you whisper yelled, quite embarrassed about the whole thing.

"I will babe, in just a second. But first there is something that i have been meaning to ask you for quite a while and tonight seemed like the perfect opportunity," he said and then proceeded to go down on one knee.

You were shocked to say the least and started to tear up. You knew this was coming, you had joked about it for a while now along with everyone else. Yet it still came as a surprise when you realised that he was actually going to do it!

"Y/n, i have now had the honour of calling you my girlfriend for the last 5 years and it all started right here at this table. The first time i layed my eyes on you i knew that i would marry you one day. So this is the reason that i'm sitting on one knee, getting all of the attention from the surrounding tables, i will hopefully only have to ask this once but y/n will you marry me?"

You nodded, tears streaming down your face, you couldn't believe it! This day had just been an ordinary one, nothing special about it, just a regular thursday night in the city that you both loved.

He shakingly found the ring and put it on your finger, he had been so nervous even though he knew you would say yes. The feeling of love between you was overwhelming, just like it had been for the last 5 years.

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