The Charity Match (Part 1 - Miniminter imagine)

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You were finally on your way! This was the first time you were meeting your best friend, you had made plans to meet before but something had always gotten in the way. He was a fulltime youtuber so it did make kind of sense. Youtubers always say that they never leave their house and that might be true, but they did have a lot of meetings all the time. Recently all of their meetings had been about the upcoming charity match. Your best friend was a part of the famous youtube group known as the sidemen and he was definitely the "fan favourite". To the fangirls, he was known as Simon or miniminter but to you he was much more.

Which was one of the many reasons you were excited to see him. He had no clue that you were showing up to the match. You had contacted Josh a couple of weeks ago as you knew that he was one of the most responsible guys in their group. Together you had planned this whole "scheme".

You were going to arrive on the day of the match and go to the stadium; here you would watch the first half of the match from your seat near the field. Then during the halftime break, the guys would bring Simon out on the field again under the excuse of having a quick crossbar challenge. While they were shooting you were going to go down to the nearest guard and tell him who you were. What was going to happen afterwards you had no idea about as Josh had planned this bit by himself and refused to let you in on it, all he said was that you had to trust him.

———- A week later ———-

It was finally today, after years of hour-long phone conversations and failed plans you were finally going to meet your best friend. You had to admit that you were both excited and scared, what if he acted differently in person or if he didn't even want to see you and therefore he had purposely made all of your other plans fail. You just had to trust Josh when he said that Simon never shut up about you.

When you got to the stadium and had showed your ticket, you started looking for your seat, you weren't in a hurry though. They would all run past your seat a million times before the actual game started and the chances of Simon seeing you too early were too big. So you decided to wat until the game had actually started and he was at the other side of the field before you sat down.

The first half of the game went by quickly and at the halftime break, it was a tie between The Youtube Allstars and The Sidemen, 1-1. The boys all left the field for about 15 minutes before some of them returned, for a live crossbar challenge. This was your que.

You swiftly left your seat and walked down to the nearest guard as you had been told to. "Hello! My name is y/n, Josh told me to tell you that 'I am the one' or something like that" you said with a little laugh, you were so nervous that the guard wouldn't believe that you. Luckily all he did was smile and say "Ohh you're the girl that Simon is head over heels in love with" you didn't really know how to react so you just smiled, but inside your head there was a thousand of thoughts, he loved you? As a best friend? Or something more?

The guard opened a little gate that led into the field and lightly pushed you when you were hesitating. He whispered in your ear, that you should "go ahead and get your man". As you walked towards the boys, you could hear the fans whispering and/or yelling, they were all wondering what you were doing on the field and why no one stopped you.

When you were a couple of meters from the boys it seemed like Simon also had heard the screaming, he turned towards Josh and whispered something in his ear. Josh shook his head at whatever Simon had whispered and pointed towards you.

Finally Simon slowly turned around.

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