The Party (Miniminter Imagine)

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Why in hell had you agreed to this? You were never the party type of girl, you didn't know how to 'move your hips' so to speak. But you hadn't been able to say no when your friends asked you to come with them. You didn't even know how they were your friends. They love partying, you enjoy staying at home with a good game. They love shopping, you love staying inside.

But friends you were and therefore you had not been able to say no. Especially not when they had given you those puppy eyes and promised that they would make sure you had fun. Stupidly enough you had listened. It couldn't be so bad.. right?

Right when you entered the house, your friends disappeared. The house were filled with people so you had no chance of finding them again either. You felt so out of place and all you wanted was to go home again, but since you were the other girl's driver, you had to stay. Luckily you had found a relatively safe spot, with a good look over the crowd.

Suddenly a guy approached you. It wasn't the first time this night so you knew what to say, "No. I am not nearly drunk enough to want to dance and i will never be drunk enough to dance with you" the guy looked baffled, but it worked and he quickly left again, probably on the hunt for a more willing girl.

"That was awesome" a voice said from beside you. There stood a guy. Oh my worlds. He was so attractive and he was talking to you! Lots of drunk guys talked to you of course, but he didn't sound drunk, so either he was on something else or else he was good at hiding his drunken state.

"My name is Simon, what is yours?" He asked, you stumbled a bit, but you said it after a couple of tries. Guys made you nervous, especially hot ones.

"Wh... why are you spending your time with me?" You dared to ask after a little small talk. "I am talking to you because i like you of course. I approached you because you seem just as out of place as i feel, i don't really do partys, you know" he said. Wide eyed and full of disbelief you shaked your head. "Are you feeling out of place? I don't believe it! I mean look at you!" You blurted out. Fuck. That wasn't meant to be said. You prayed he didn't hear you, but the smirk that was slowly forming on his lips told another story.

He stayed and talked for most of the night. Apparently you and Simon had a lot in common so the night went quick. Slowly you started to feel less awkward and even if you would never admit it to your friends, you actually enjoyed yourself.

The night was coming to an end and finally you saw your friends, most people had left by now so it was a lot easier to find them. "Oh no! My friends are over there but one of them doesn't seem to feel too well, so i'd better check on her.. " you said to Simon, kind of sad because this meant leaving the one person who got your passion for video games.

"Yeah mines waving me over as well.." He answered pointing over to a couple of guys waving very enthusiastically at Simon.

"I guess this is it then, thank you for making my night kind of fun Simon!" You said, not wanting to leave quite yet. "Yeah, same goes for you, y/n" he turned away after saying this. You walked towards your friends as well, but there was something you needed to do first.

"OI SIMON?!" You yelled, "can i get your number?" This sentence terrified you, because now everyone who was still there was looking, clearly waiting for the rejection.

"Yeah sure! Give me your phone"

When you and the girls arrived home that night, you couldn't stop smiling. Simon was on your mind.

"Wait! Am i hallucinating or are you actually smiling? This can't be! You must have had fun for once, since you're smiling like a bloody idiot" Your friend said, while laughing.

"Shut up"

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