1: Cups or Cones

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"Luke, wake up," I groan as I hear my mom and feel her shake me slightly awake. I was have a good dream, it involved bunnies but I forgot the rest.

"Luke you have work," shit. She was right I basically leap out of bed starling her till she back up giving me a smile.  

"What time is it?"

"1pm," She smirked as I paled. "You really should set an alarm Luke," She made her exit laughing quietly.

"I swear if I'm late," I mutter grabbing my work shirt out of my closet. It was a gross marbled grey t-shirt with a cat on it and it read Captain Cream's Homemade Ice Cream. I rush down doing my check keys, wallet, and phone stuffing them into my backpack with a change of clothing.

Unfortunately, I have to ride my bike, I have to be the only 18 year old boy without a car for summer. I have to say it fucking sucks. It was a nice day but I really didn't pay attention to the green trees or the sunlight, I kept my head down avoiding rocks and pot holes. The town never decides to fill in, my tires are almost completely warn down but it's a good bike and gets me there.

The wind on my face is surprisingly enjoyable and then the smell of the ocean hits me and the shops I've known all my life are in sight and then the Ice cream shop is in view. I stop and walk the bike chaining it and going inside. It was a small place so only two people work at a time I was glad I didn't need to talk to a lot of people that way.

"Sup Luke?" Sophie my coworker smiles at me. Her brown hair fell just past her shoulders, she had freckles and green eye, and if we're being honest she's my only friend and that's pretty sad seeing we only talk at work. There was Oliver but... I frown slightly and then shake the thought out of my head.

"Oh I'm good, you?" I smile finally replying and then I realized my answer didn't make any sense at all as she gives me a strange Luke.  I ruffle my blonde hair as I look down at her watching as she replies but not hearing anything come out of her mouth and just nod and smile hoping she didn't ask another question.

I wasn't there as the day went by, just going through the motions like a robot. Cone, cup, sprinkles, and sundaes. Smiling at the consumers handing out dog treats when puppies came. I looked out towards the road as the steam of people quelled. Almost closing time, almost time to go home and sit in my bed and think of the absence of friends in my life.

Three boys came to my window, I still wasn't all there and honestly didn't think they were real for a couple minutes as I stared through them to the street. The first boy was the definition of pale, his green eyes stark with concern or something else; pain, regret, confusion. He was wearing black jeans and a leather jacket with a Guns and Roses t-shirt on and I couldn't help but to think he was going to pass out as it was mid summer. He had the pudgiest cheeks in the group and I couldn't help but contemplate how much I wanted to poke them. The next boy was tan and I had trouble concentrating as I looked at him he's black hair was curly, and brown eyes were homey. His arms covered with black ink, I wondered what all his tattoos meant.  The final boy, was short and I think he was giggling at me but I didn't comprehend it as I stared into his hazel eyes and ran my eyes over  his strong jaw line. He lifted his hand up running his hand though his hair and I snapped out of my trance.

"I-I um sorry, what can I get you?" I stuttered realizing what an uncomfortable predicament I was in.

"Your number and what time you get off," The closest to the window asked, and I felt my cheek heat up. The other blonde started to laugh and it was contagious and beautiful, the tan boy joined in and I couldn't help smiling a bit. Then tan boy stopped and looked to his friend at the window.

"Michael leave the kid alone, I'll take bubble gum ice cream, giggles over there will take cookie dough, and Mikey will have black raspberry," I nod.

"And your number, Mikey will take your number," This boy doesn't stop does he? I decide to ignore him.

"Cups or cones?"

" Cup and can you add sprinkles," giggles smiled at me and I smiled back nodding.

"Cup with a cone on top please," the tan boy said and the reverted his gaze back to giggles, protectively like they were dating.

"Cup," Michael says pouting and I internal jump inside and I go to grab their ice cream. Cheekily writing on my number on Michael's cup and 10 mins.

"That'll be 11 even please," I smile as the hand me the money dropping a five in the tip jar. 

"Hey, Calum we're waiting ten minutes okay?"

"Mikey why?" and the tan boy, Calum, looks at his cup and then smiles at me.

"I'm so down for that," and then begin to sit down at one of the benches. Leaving a very confused giggles that waved good by at me and the at second thought said a name.



"That's my name," giggles smiled at me and then turned to leave.

"I'm Luke," I called after him and completely flushed as I begin to close up with Sophie, she smiles at me.

"So you made some new friends didn't you?" She gave me a devious smile and I now realize that should of been my first sigh to run.

"I don't know,"

Panda Eyes //Calm/Ot4 5sos//Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu