5: 3.14

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I woke up to the sound of whispered arguing.

Michael's voice I think it was "He's getting worse, he needs to stop he'll kill himself."

"Don't you think I know that Michael, seeing him like this hurts me. It breaks me."

"You're the only one that save him,"

"I want to he won't listen to me. He just wants the drugs," Ashton's voice crack, he's crying I can tell. His words are shaky and he's sniffling.
"I love him more then anything, and I can't stop him I've tried and I've tried,"

"You need to try harder, Ash, you're his boyfriend ,"

"You try harder you're his boyfriend too," my heart drops to my stomach. They're all dating. I get no one this isn't fair.

"You know I have trouble talking to him or anyone. I don't do words," Michael backtracks. He sounds uncomfortable.

"He gets angry when he's not high, I don't know how to fix him Mikey I don't"

I open my eyes a bit looking over to see calum asleep in a stupor. Eyes ringed with red. He looks soft and gentle. I reach my hand out taking his. Calum moves slightly and I quickly pull my hand away. He whimpers slightly and the lays his head in my lap.

I realize the talking stopped too late. As I look up to catch Michael's green eyes looking at me. It may of been my imagination but I swear I saw a spark of jealousy and loathing in his eyes. I continue running my fingers through Calum's hair looking back at Michael.

"Michael am I not interesting enough to talk to?"

"No ash you're fine, the kid woke up,"

"Oh, um are you hungry?"

I nod still staring at Michael.

"Yes he is" Michael answers for me. My voice needs to come back before I lose my newly acquired friends.

Ash starts driving again.

"Do you like pie Luke?"

I open my mouth letting out a squeak. Then I nod at Michael and he smiles a bit.

"He says yes."

The car stops as Ashton shifts into park.

"You two go in, I'll try and wake calum," Ash stays running his fingers into his hair.

I gently shake calum, he shift opening his eyes a bit and kisses my stomach. I tense up a bit.

"Ash?" He asks confused as his brown eyes look up at me. I shake my head a bit.

Calum sits up as the other boys get out.

"I'm sorry," He looks at his hand. "He always puts my head in his lap so if I have seizures, I don't hit my head."

I nod. Please, just talk Luke talk. Say something.

"Wanna go now," Calum grabs my hand and pulls me inside a small diner. It was a cozy place, yellow walls, and booths lining the wall and tables down the center. Michael was already ordering from what I could hear it was a ridiculous amount.

"Lucas what do you want?" Not my name, but the way he said it I kind of wanted it to be. I squeak and hold up four. Number four in the menu, apple crumble. Please get this Michael please.

"Apple crumble," I sigh in relief as Michael said it. I stand next to him and smile widely mouthing thank you. Calum goes to sit down, Ash follows sitting grabbing his hand. I watch Ash put his lips to Calum's neck. I can't help but break inside. I wanted Ash's lips on my neck, trailing down my body. His lips on my thighs, along my uh. I shake my head turning pink.

Michael rises an eyebrow at me "you okay?" I nod as he grabs the trays with the deserts and slides into the booth. i slide in next to him. Ashton takes the cherry pie, Calum looks at the pumpkin. Ash takes it and starts feeding Calum.

I grab mine watching them. I want that. Michael eats talking to him but I'm not really listening to him.

"So Luke  what do you do beside ice cream and me? Oh sorry you're not talking right now,"

"I uh I im better now and I go to school," I look down and sigh. "For art," 

"That's so cool I wish I could do art, I really do like video games and cartoons. That seems so cool,"

I smile at him. Finally someone understands.

"I'm at school for astrophysics with a minor in chem. Ashton's an English major. Cal for history and international affairs."

"Astrophysics? That seems hard,"

"It's not that hard," Michael blushes a bit.

"It is that hard," Ashton puts in giggling slightly. "Ask him any numbers to multiple,"

I gentle bite my lip rubbing my teeth back and forth "892 times 632,"

Michael thinks for a minute before saying "563,744" I check my calculator and look up at him.

"That's amazing," he blushes harder. "So you know all about black holes and dark matter and stuff,"

"I mean I know the basics, what do you like to draw?"

"Uh anything really I either wanna do animation or tattooing," Michael smiles at me  eyes glinting.

"You do not look tattoo person." Ashton slides his cherry pie over to Michael taking his cream and starts eating.

"Commitment issues," I shrug a bit, I wanted a deer or something maybe a fox. Calum is asleep again. And the other two boys keep swapping there pies in and almost air hockey like movement. One slide foreword the other slides back.

I watch starting to eat, I feel Michael move a bit closer I move closer to. I'm drawn to them all of them.

"Do you need to go home tonight?" Yes. I do but I'm not telling them that. My mom can yell at me all she wants I'm not missing this opportunity ever.

"Nope," tonight couldn't get any crazier and I'm along for the ride.

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